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The Number One Reason Why Fish Oil Is Terrible For You

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

If you currently take a fish oil supplement, then you should be aware of the following public service announcement:

The Fish Oil You’re Taking May Be KILLING You!

Yes, that’s right…

…the exact supplement you’re taking right now to protect your heart and reduce your risk for death, may slowly be killing you.


The Terrible Truth: Mercury Exposure

Mercury – a naturally occurring element in our world – may be found in the air and water that you drink and breathe each day.

Exposure to mercury – or mercury poisoning - may have some pretty severe side effects, including blindness, muscle weakness, trouble walking or talking, and damage to your precious brain cells.

And, that’s why reducing your exposure to mercury is critical to your health.

But, there is a problem…

…many of the fish – or fish oil supplements – you’re currently eating or taking may be exposing you to this dangerous element.

You see, mercury can be found in the air.  And that mercury may eventually settle in the water that surrounds the earth.

And this means that many of the sea life you fish for – including many fish and shellfish – may all have some degree of mercury exposure.

How much exposure?

Well, it all depends on how long they live, how high up in the food chain they are, and of course, how great their exposure is to mercury.

Regardless, eating fish and shellfish may be the NUMBER ONE way people increase their exposure to mercury.

Well, there is one more way…

Fish oil!  Yes, the same fish oil that is commonly found to promote good health, may also contain some degree of mercury.

You see, the fish they use in fish oil may be farmed, or fished in areas where high pollutants or excessive mercury levels are found in the water that the fish live in.

And this means that those same fish – the ones swimming in mercury – are being used to make YOUR fish oil supplement.

That’s right!  The same fish that you are recommended NOT to eat, may actually be used to make the fish oil that is currently residing in your supplement.

And this could only spell bad news for your health!

The Next Best Thing…

Yes, fish is an important part of your diet. That’s why fish is highly recommended to people as a way to improve heart health.

But, of course, only the fish that are LOW in mercury are recommended, and those fish HIGH in mercury are either not recommended at all or are recommended in very LOW doses.

That’s why most people turn to fish oil supplements.  But, fish oil may be just as bad.

The fish used to make fish oil may contain excess levels of mercury.  In fact, some companies needed to pull their products off the shelves due to this exact reason: too much mercury and other pollutants were found to be present in the oil.

This could drastically change your health – or the health of your loved ones.

And, that’s why you should be focusing your time and effort on the BEST omega-3 supplement around.

Click Here For Reason #3 >>

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