The Top 4 "Healthy" Foods You Need To AVOID + Tips To Replace Them


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

The term health has taken on a whole new meaning in today's health-conscious society.

In fact, there are more and more people who are adopting healthier lifestyles, better eating habits, and including more exercise into their day.

However, for some people looking to jump on the health bandwagon, it’s hard to determine what types of foods - healthy or unhealthy - you should include in order to make your lifestyle better.

A healthier lifestyle can include anything from reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome to weight loss.

Today, I want to share with you FOUR foods that you need to avoid if you ever want to lose weight, lower your risk for chronic disease, lower inflammation, reduce joint pain, or just feel better.

Four "Healthy" Foods to Avoid

Health-conscious consumers are constantly searching supermarket shelves, health food stores, or farmer's markets for the healthiest foods options.

They may be doing this to provide the right nutrition for themselves and their families...

To lose weight...

To be healthier...

Or, to have more energy and feel better about themselves!

But, if you want to lose weight - and keep it off - and soothe your achy joints, then you need to avoid these FOUR foods at all costs.

Four Unhealthy "Health" Foods

1. Fat-free Products

Yes, these products may say on their label that they are fat-free or low in fat.

But, they may be misleading you!

The fact is: in order for a product to be fat free, the product must contain less than 0.5 grams of FAT.

And if you remove fat from a product, then something needs to take its place.

Enter added sugar and fillers, which makes up the loss of fat in the product.

Tip: Although it may say "fat-free" or even "low in fat" on the label, doesn't give you the permission to overdo it.

Although it may be lower in fat, the calorie content is pretty much the same as the regular version - if not more!

So go ahead, eat a small serving of the "regular" product. It may be a better choice than the low-fat alternative.

2. Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

Now, everyone knows that peanuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and calories.

So why would someone want to mess with that?

The fact is, people tend to look for lower-fat versions of almost anything - and that includes peanut butter.

This only strips away those good, healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

So what do they fill it with?

You guessed it!

Most of the time they fill up your reduced-fat peanut butter with sugar - and this could lead to extra weight gain.

Tip: If you love peanut butter, then shop for the all-natural kind.

This type will still provide the essential fats that your body needs, without the added sugar - and calories - that may be present in reduced-fat varieties.

3. Granola

Although on the outside granola looks like a great, healthy food choice - think again!

It does provide a great deal of protein, potassium, and plenty of fiber, but it may also contain some ingredients that lead to weight gain.

Some varieties of granola contain fillers, artificial sweeteners or preservatives, and high-fructose corn syrup.

Put this together, and you may have a recipe for weight gain - instead of taking the weight off.

Tip: Be sure to read the label!

There may be plenty of healthy granola varieties on the market that do not contain artificial fillers or high-fructose corn syrup.

Also, be sure to read the label and use the appropriate serving.

Although it may appear healthy, it still packs a lot of calories in a small serving.

4. Bran Muffins

When you think of bran muffins, you may think of a heart-healthy product - due to the higher bran content.

However, you may - as well as other health-seekers - be DEAD WRONG about bran muffins.

You see, one of the ingredients in bran muffins is actually bran - which has plenty of health benefits as an ingredient alone.

However, most bran muffins contain a ton of ADDED SUGAR and FAT, which may lead to both increased caloric intake AND possible WEIGHT GAIN.

Plus, they may also contain plenty of artificial fillers - like sweeteners and preservatives - which may add no nutritional value to your meal.

Tip: If you want a bran muffin, find a lower fat, alternative recipe that contains very little fillers and artificial ingredients.

4 Tips to Write Down

In most cases, people that adopt a healthier lifestyle do it to lose weight, reduce their risk for developing chronic diseases, or they simply want more energy during the day.

Whatever the reason, adopting a healthy lifestyle may be the key to a long lasting, and fulfilling life.

But before you go out and buy the latest "health" foods, be sure to print this list off.

Some foods may counteract your weight loss attempts - mostly due to unhealthy "extra" ingredients.

So if you're looking for the best health foods, then these four foods (and their related tips) may help you find healthy, reduced sugar, health foods.

This may enable you to get your weight loss off on the right foot!


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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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