Can Coffee Protect Your Heart From Failing?

If you are like most people in the world, then there is probably a good chance that you start your day off with one or more cups of coffee to get you moving.

Coffee, which is a stimulant, is used by millions of people as a way to wake up and become more alert to start their day.

However, coffee has many more benefits than just waking you up in the morning.

In fact, coffee has powerful antioxidants and phenols, which have been shown by research to slow, and could even reverse, the aging process.

Not only that, but coffee has been used by athletes as a way to boost performance, potentially giving them a competitive edge over their competition.

The caffeine found in coffee has also been shown to increase fat burning by stimulating your central nervous system, which could, therefore, stimulate increased fat burning.

Coffee has also been linked to a reduction in different forms of cancer (endometrial and prostate) plus other age-associated diseases.

Now, a new study published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure could show a potential relationship between moderate coffee consumption and a reduction in heart failure risk.

Let me explain…

Coffee and Heart Failure Risk

According to this study, there is no real consensus in research on coffee consumption and the risk for heart failure.

The authors of this study aimed to see if there was an association between coffee consumption and risk of heart failure.

They performed a systematic review and a dose-dependent meta-analysis (past and current research studies that are related to the specific topic), looking at coffee consumption and heart failure risk.

Their search included studies between January 1966 through December 2011, which included five prospective studies that resulted in 142,220 participants and 6,522 heart failure events.

The researchers noted there was a J-shaped curve between coffee consumption and risk for heart failure.

Their work showed that, compared to no coffee consumption, having four servings per day of coffee resulted in a lower risk for heart failure.

They also noted that higher coffee consumption resulted in a higher risk for heart failure.

From their work, they concluded that moderate coffee consumption is inversely associated with a lower risk of heart failure.

Also, they showed that the largest association came when people consumed four servings of coffee per day.

Although this research is new and exciting, more research needs to be completed in order to verify these findings.  However, this study does show a positive relationship between coffee consumption and heart failure risk, but again, more research is needed before clear recommendations can be made.

Coffee and Your Health

Coffee consumption has been shown in research to benefit your overall health and wellness.

Due to the concentration of antioxidants and phenols, coffee has been shown to reverse aging and age-associated diseases.

Now, according to this study, moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk for heart failure, regardless of sex, previous history of heart attacks, and diabetes.

So go ahead and enjoy your coffee, research suggests, your health could benefit from it.  Just don't go overboard!

Here Is The Newest Source Of Powerful Antioxidants >>


Mostofsky, E.  Rice, M.  Levitan, E.  Mittleman, M.  Habitual Coffee Consumption and Risk of heart Failure: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis.  CIRCHEARTFAILURE. 2012. doi: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.112.967299.


Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Dec,23 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Dec,23 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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