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The Top 5 Secrets To Getting FLAT Abs

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

Are you a woman who has jumping from a size 6 to a size 8—overnight?

Do you have a slight pouch hanging over your belt?

Are you tired of being embarrassed to wear a bikini or go out with your shirt off?

Face it, there are millions of people who are afraid to show off their bodies.   The reason?

Most people are carrying around a little bit—or a fair amount—of belly fat!

And chances are, whatever degree of belly fat—or body fat—you have, you probably don’t feel as confident, secure, or sexy about your body.

Am I right?

Well, I have news for you…

If you eat the following FIVE foods, you could start to see definition in your abs, curves you never thought you had, and a body that most people drool over.

What foods should you be eating?

Take a look at this SHORT list:

1. Lean Ground Beef (Hamburger)

Everyone believes that skinless chicken breast is the go-to flat belly food.

But they are WRONG!  Lean red meat may be better at stripping away body fat than chicken breast.


The chicken of today is vastly different than it used to be!  It may contain less protein and more fat, due to the way it is raised and the medications they are provided to increase breast size and to keep it healthy.

Lean red meat, grass-fed of course, may contain CLA, a potent type of fat, that may aid in both weight loss and lean mass development!

So, skip the chicken and opt for lean cuts of grass-fed red meat!

2. High Fat Cheese Products

A lot of people skip out on full-fledged cheese products because they’re afraid they will get fat.

But the honest truth is, full-fat food products may be better for you!

Including full-fat cheese products!  Studies show that fatty cheeses may lower the risk for diabetes! 

The study also showed that people who ate the low-fat variety had a higher risk for developing diabetes.

This is important as diabetes is tied to people who are overweight or obese and have altered blood sugar levels and the insulin response is significantly altered.

3. Potatoes (and other starches)

Everywhere you go, you probably hear people say they are on a low-carb diet or they avoid carbs in order to lose weight.

But the truth is: Carbs are really good for burning fat and shedding body fat!

You see, specific (CARBS) like potatoes, brown rice, and bananas contain a type of resistant starch (hard to digest and acts as a fiber in the body).

These resistant starches may help you burn excess weight and bloat!

4. Beans

Beans, another high carbohydrate food, should also be on your list of fat-busting superfoods.

Not only do beans contain carbs, they also contain plenty of protein and tons of fiber—both of which could increase weigh and fat loss.

Studies show that those who ate just three-quarters of a cup of beans each day, weighed 6.6 pounds LESS than those who didn’t eat beans!  (on a side note: the bean eaters ate an extra 199 calories per day and STILL WEIGHED LESS)

5. Up Your Omega-3 Fats

The omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in many fatty fish, are extremely important for fat loss.

Not only do these potent fats lower inflammation (may help fat cells function better), but they could also enhance fat burning and regulate you appetite!

Besides controlling appetite and increasing fat burning, another study showed that people with high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids may be able to metabolize fatty acids by altering the function of specific genes in the body.

Take Home Message

For those of you who are struggling to lose weight, get a flat belly, or get swimsuit ready, here are some foods that you should be eating.

Not only are they full of potent fat-burning nutrients, they also contain other essential vitamins, minerals, and fat that your body needs to keep burning fat all day long.

So, if you want to get a flat belly, consider adding these FIVE potent fat-loss, metabolism-boosting foods to your weekly nutrition plan.