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Skip These FLASHY Foods? [eat THIS instead]


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

It seems like every time you turn around, there is a new method to losing fat.

A new fad diet…

A friend telling you what you need to do to burn the fat…

Even a trainer describing to you the perfect plan for busting through your fatty layers!

Do they all work?  Some do and some are worthless.

For example, some diets recommend you eliminate carbs – or at least reduce them to unhealthy levels.

What does that do for you?  Well, it could lead to poor recovery and loss of performance.

Plus, could lead to less fat loss! 

But on the other side of that, there are people that tell you eating carbs are ok – which seems to give you the green light to eat whatever carbs you want.

And this is a no-no when it comes to fat loss!


Let me explain…

Carbs and Fat Loss

There are certain carbs that are great for fat loss and ones that are not-so-great for fat loss.

And unfortunately, most people are eating the WRONG kinds of carbs!

You see, carbs that carry a high-glycemic load (meaning they spike blood sugar) may lead to extra fat gain when you consume too many.

What are considered high-glycemic load foods?  Well, there are a lot of them!  Foods such as refined grains, sugars, and starches are by far the biggest offenders when it comes to fat gain.

That’s why it is recommended that you lose some of these foods from your diet in order to shave inches off your belly.

But what should you do AFTER you replace them?

Well, you should replace those fat-gaining carbs with lean proteins, according to a new study!

Researchers followed over 120,000 men and women to see how the glycemic load impacted fat gain and what, if anything, would happen if they were replaced.

The results will SHOCK you!

They discovered that those who included more chicken without the skin, seafood, nuts, yogurt, peanut butter, and other nuts lost more weight compared to those who didn’t replace higher glycemic load foods.

The researchers also found that those eating higher glycemic load foods showed a 0.42 – kg INCREASE in weight compared to the protein group.

They did note that there were interactions with different protein-rich foods and glycemic loads.  They mentioned that cheese, when combined with a higher glycemic load food resulted in weight gain.

But when the glycemic load was the same, there was no change in weight or when the load was lower, they exhibited weight loss.

The researchers concluded: “Protein foods were commonly interchanged with carbohydrate, and changes in protein foods and GL interacted to influence long-term weight gain.”


When people tell you it’s okay to eat carbs, you should note that the type of carb you’re eating is just as important as eating the carb itself.

A new study shows that eating carbs that are higher on the glycemic index may lead to more fat and weight gain over time.

However, if you switch out your carbs for lean protein sources - such as skinless chicken, nuts, seafood, and peanut butter – you may find that your weight and fat may decrease.

If you’re looking for the best way to lose your belly fat, then consider switching your refined grains, starches, and sugars with more lean protein sources.

You may see – and feel – the difference with a flatter, toner, smaller midsection by making the switch!



Smith JD, Hou T, Ludwig DS, Rimm EB, Willett W, Hu FB, Mizaffarian D.  Changes in intake of protein foods, carbohydrate amount and quality, and long-term weight change: results from 3 prospective cohorts.  Am J Clin Nutr.  2015 Apr.