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By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
I am sure you’ve seen all the headlines:
“Star loses 20 pounds by following this crazy diet!”
“She lost an amazing 3 dress sizes to look and feel her best.”
They entice you to buy their magazine, so you too, can look GREAT naked without putting in a whole lot of work or effort.
But sadly, I have some news for you…
It simply isn’t going to happen that easy! In fact, if you want to strip away your stubborn belly fat to reveal your sexy, six-pack, then you have to put in the work.
I am not talking about spending THREE hours a day at the gym…
Or doing 600 crunches to get your belly flat, toned, and trim!
Yes, exercise is important…
…but not nearly as important as a healthy diet! So, what type of diet is considered “healthy”?
Most people would lead you to believe that a low-calorie, low-fat diet is the way to go. But, they would be wrong!
Today, we would like to show you a way to get ABSOLUTELY amazing abs, without sacrificing your favorite foods or completely driving yourself crazy with complete calorie restriction.
So, here we go…
Here’s a list of the top FOUR foods to eat for a flat, toned, and SEXY midsection:
1. WHOLE Eggs
Would you ever guess that whole eggs would be on the list?
Well, they are! Whole eggs are a great source of the highest quality protein around!
And since protein lends a hand in the repair process, these helpful proteins may lead to greater muscle development and a faster metabolism.
Now, you’re probably asking why WHOLE eggs and not just egg whites. Well, there is a reason for that.
The yolk contains some pretty important fat-busting nutrients, most notably choline!
Choline may act on fat genes and could prevent fat from being stored in the body – and around the belly!
2. WHITE Potatoes
Yes, you have heard all the amazing benefits of sweet potatoes, while white potatoes have lurked in the shadows waiting their due.
Well, here it is!
White potatoes may be just as good for fat loss as sweet potatoes are! They contain a vast nutrient profile, plus, have loads of fiber in the skin.
White potatoes may be just as satisfying as other healthy carbs (think brown rice, quinoa, etc.), which could lead to less food being eaten AFTER the meal.
Now, it’s important to note that if you want to eat a potato – regardless if it’s white, purple, or sweet – you should consider eating it AFTER a workout for the best possible results!
3. Bananas
I am sure that you’ve heard that bananas may not be the best thing for fat loss!
However, we would disagree!
Bananas are chock full of those helpful B vitamins (support healthy thyroid function and support metabolism), which may speed up your metabolism.
How do they do that?
Those B vitamins may work in unison to break down food particles and convert them into energy!
Plus, bananas are a rich source of fiber, which once again, help keep you feel full and satisfied instead of craving those cakes, cookies, or pies!
4. Steak (it’s what’s for dinner!!)
There’s just something sexy about a well-cooked steak, that brings some men and women to tears!
But here’s the deal: Steak – lean cuts like tenderloin or sirloin tip – are great sources of protein.
And as you may know, protein is great for sending your metabolism into overdrive!
Although we put steak as the main driver for this category, other lean protein sources – like skinless chicken, turkey, wild-caught fish, and grass-fed beef – will also do the trick!
Time to Ignite Your Metabolism
It’s getting to that time of year when people look to start losing the winter weight and get ready for summer – and their beach bodies.
That’s why they start to diet and exercise, which are two keys to losing the fat.
However, going too hard on your diet (too restrictive) may do the opposite for your body and your belly fat.
Who wants to eat a diet void of their favorite foods? Not me, that’s for sure!
But if you want to burn the fat – and get those six-pack abs to POP - then you should start eating more of the three foods above.
Not only could they stimulate your metabolism, they may help you melt off those stubborn pounds of body fat.
So, if you’re looking for a leaner, toner, SEXIER you this summer, consider adding these four foods to your nutrition plan!