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(Case Study) Eating This One Food Burns 42 Grams Of Fat (per hour)
By Kevin DiDonato, MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
Many years ago, there was a supplement that took over the shelves of CVS, Walmart, and other big name stores.
It reported tremendous weight loss results, with some people losing upwards of 50, 60, even 100 pounds.
But then it happened:
One baseball player using it died from the heat…a wrestler passed away…a normal, everyday joe (like you and me), died suddenly after suffering a major cardiac event.
This magic supplement was then taken off the market due to the associated health risk found from taking it.
Flash forward to today and we have an even bigger, BETTER, solution to the overweight/obesity epidemic…
Oranges and Weight Loss
Oranges have long been known as a super fruit when it comes to health.
First, it’s low in calories, contains plenty of fiber, and is packed with water! It’s a low-calorie food that is also packed with vitamin C and other potent vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy and to promote fat loss.
Oranges also contain something else…something more powerful than other fat loss weapons on the market today.
Some oranges, namely bitter oranges (and Mandarin oranges and grapefruit), contain a potent molecule called p-synephrine, which has been shown to activate fat burning in your body WITHOUT the rise in blood pressure like ephedra.
So, how exactly does p-synephrine work?
Well, it works by stimulating the beta-3 receptors in your cells! Unlike ephedra, p-synephrine may not only lead to increased fat loss, but it may also protect your heart in the long run.
A new study shows that the use of p-synephine, at a dose of 3mg/kg of bodyweight, could increase fat oxidation (the rate of fat burning) by 7 grams per hour!
And the best part: P-synephrine could do this without negatively impacting your heart!
Take Home Message
There are many people who are on the lookout for the next best supplement for blasting away belly fat and helping them to lose weight.
While most supplements may do little for your weight loss and belly fat loss, there is one supplement that may work.
That supplement is citrus aurantium—or bitter orange. This supplement, which contains the powerful beta-3 receptor activator, p-synephrine, may increase the rate of fat oxidation in your body.
And the greater your rate of fat oxidation, the greater your fat loss potential could be!
So, if you’re stuck but want to take your fat loss to the next level, then consider 1) increase your calorie burn through exercise and diet and 2) consider trying the metabolism-boosting power of these powerful nutrients (found on the next page)...