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How Skinny Guys Can Put On 10 LBS. Of Muscle (easy)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

I was once a skinny, skinny guy.

Nothing I did would help me put on any type of muscle.

I listened to the gurus who told me to drink those high calorie shakes…

…which only made me FAT and not BIG like I wanted.

So, here I was, sitting at 160…with a big round belly…and no one to turn to in order to help me out.

What did I do?

I started to dig into the research.  I looked and looked and looked…

…and tried and tested different foods that I thought would help me out.

And, as the years went by, my weight started to slowly climb...

I hit 165 and was pumped…

I surpassed 175 and I was excited…

I then hit 190 and couldn’t believe what I was doing!  Never before had I even come close to 190.

But here I was, after eating the RIGHT foods, sitting at 190 and at 12 percent body fat.  I felt ripped and I finally was happy with the way I looked!

So, what foods did I start to include on my weekly (and daily) meal plan to pack on the muscle?

These are my top FIVE go-to foods:

1. Steak

Steak, which is loaded with protein, is one of the centerpieces to any muscle building plan.

Not to be eaten every day (I shoot for a couple times a week), a 6 ounce steak may provide up to 27 grams of protein.

Even though it has higher levels of fat, steak is loaded with B vitamins, zinc, and iron.

These nutrients may be essential to building muscle and putting on size.

2. Brown Rice

Another staple in any muscle-building diet would be brown rice.

Yes, it contains a lot of carbs, but those carbs are so much more!  The carbs in brown rice are slowly digested carbs, meaning they may provide energy throughout the day (including your workout).

Plus, brown rice may increase your growth hormone levels, which could improve your strength, lean muscle gain, and overall body fat loss.

3. Eggs

Eggs should be an every day part of your breakfast plan for building muscle.

Eggs contain plenty of protein needed for building muscle.  But that’s not the eggs' secret for increased gains.

No, the protein in combination with the cholesterol and fat in the yolk, create the perfect muscle building recipe.

Worried about increased heart disease risk with eggs?  Studies show that eggs—yolk included—may actually lower your LDL cholesterol levels, therefore reducing your risk.

4. Quinoa

Another perfect grain for boosting your muscle mass.

Quinoa is a complete protein source as well as a slowly digested carb.

But more notably, quinoa may increase insulin-like growth factor, which is an important factor for increasing size and strength in your muscles.

5. Spinach

One of the most important amino acids for muscle
 building is glutamine.

And spinach is loaded with it!  Besides the high levels of glutamine and muscle development, spinach may also be linked to greater gains in muscle strength and endurance!

Time To Get BIG!

If you’re like me and have a hard time gaining lean muscle mass…

…I have the solution for you!  Not only do these foods pack on the muscle, they contain other ingredients for boosting your metabolism and improving other facets of your health.

If you’re a serious lifter, then these foods should be a MUST on your dietary list to help you put on the size (and improve your strength) starting today!