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There is a lot of misinformation floating around out there in regards to the best ways to lose fat fast.
And if you believe some of the hype - which most people do – then chances are you are going to be wasting a lot of time on something that just won’t WORK!
But luckily for you, we have your back.
Today, for you, we are going to smash THREE of the most common misconceptions when it comes to losing fat, toning up, and looking good in your skinny jeans.
So sit back, get your pen ready, and be prepared to write down why THESE THREE tips just don’t work for fat loss…
The Three Misconceptions – BUSTED
As previously mentioned, there is a TON of misinformation out there on the right foods to eat, the right exercises for slimming your midsection, and what you SHOULD be taking in order to lose fat.
But most of this information may not be as accurate as it was, say, 10 years ago.
Today, as a special for you, we want to help you wade through the BS in order to get to the cold, hard truth as it pertains to fat loss.
The Three Top Misconceptions
Although there are many things to keep in mind about fat loss, today we'll focus on three exercise misconceptions – all that may NOT help you burn fat, look skinny, or even tone up.
Misconception #1: The “Fat Burning” Heart Rate Zone
What it’s supposed to do: Supposedly, exercising at a lower intensity will end up burning fat, since you are using more of your fatty acids as the main energy source.
What Really Happens: when you exercise at low, moderate, or high intensities, you are burning both fat and glucose (stored sugar in your blood, liver, and muscles,) but at different proportions.
Low-intensity exercise does burn more fat compared to glucose, but what is doesn’t do is burn a lot of CALORIES.
And that is the main purpose to weight loss: burning more calories than you are taking in. The fat burning zone continues to be a topic of debate due to its ability to burn fat, but not burn a lot of calories.
What You Should Be Doing: moderate- to higher-intensity exercise. Both moderate- and high-intensity exercise burns a greater proportion of glucose compared to fat. But it makes up for it by burning a TON more calories.
And when it comes to weight loss, well, that is the name of the game! Besides that, higher-intensity exercise burns more calories AFTER
the workout is over, due to the increased oxygen and nutrient demand. So it keeps your metabolism elevated in order to “repay” its debt – mostly by using your stored fat.
And this can last anywhere between 24, 48, or even 72 hours! So you turn into a fat burning MACHINE!
Misconception #2: DO NOT Lift Weights
What they say: You may get bulky, stronger, but won’t burn any more calories compared to doing aerobic exercise.
What really happens: There is no better way to get stronger, LEANER, and toner than by lifting weights in combination with a good cardiovascular program.
Plus, when you don’t use the muscle, you are in danger of losing the muscle, meaning you are preserving your fat stores and using your muscles for fuel.
What does that do?
Tanks your metabolism, leaving you burning calories at a snail’s pace instead of like a jack rabbit.
Here’s the deal: Strength training builds and maintains lean muscle mass on your body. And lean muscle mass is your metabolism-boosting tissue!
In fact, if you have a lower amount of lean mass and higher fat mass, then chances are, your metabolism may be in the toilet.
Include a little bit of strength training and you will find you have definition in places you didn’t even know existed, plus, you may find you’re hungrier during the day.
This is a good sign that you have boosted your metabolism by increasing your lean muscle mass.
Misconception #3: You should ALWAYS Exercise on an Empty Stomach
What they say: Working out on an empty stomach will help you burn more fat, and burn off all the excess calories from the night before, therefore leading to greater weight loss.
What really happens: Yes, you may burn fat using this approach, but there is something else that happens and it may be detrimental to your overall weight-loss success.
Exercising with a little bit of food in your stomach, allows for the stored energy to be released and burned during exercise.
However, when you exercise on an empty stomach, not only are you hungrier, but you are not able to give 100 percent effort toward that workout.
Best Advice: Eat something small - that includes both protein and carbs - about an hour before your workout.
This will supply your body with the necessary nutrients to fuel your workout, and give you the extra push that you need for maximal effort.
And this should help you burn more calories, lose more weight, and burn a lot of fat in the process.
There you have it! Three of the most common misconceptions in regards to exercise and fat loss.
Although there are many others, these are the top THREE that always comes to trainers' attentions when working with anyone - from beginners to advanced exercisers.
You shouldn’t believe all the hype, especially in regards to the best way to burn fat. Research constantly discovers new breakthroughs every day in regards to fat burning, weight loss, muscle building, and so on and so forth.
In order to burn fat and lose weight, you need to burn more than you take in, through both diet and exercise.
Stay tuned and we will bust some common misconceptions in regards to the best foods you should eat to burn fat!