[INSTANT DOWNLOAD] The Best Tips to Accelerate Your Fat Loss

One thing that happens this time of year – walking through the gym, supermarket, or anywhere really – is that people always ask for advice.

And not just any advice, they are looking for the BEST advice on weight loss!

So you start to tell them what worked for you – and they stop you mid-sentence – to interrupt and say that they know what worked for you, but they are looking for UNIQUE weight loss tips…

Insert collective SIGH…

Instead of you sharing your wisdom and knowledge with them, you may advise them to go to the internet and search "unique weight loss tips."

You see, sometimes people don’t get the one basic thing to weight loss…


All the fancy weight loss tips…

The unique fat loss advice…

And the endless sites on the internet dedicated to providing intimate wisdom on how to lose weight – and lose it FAST – are all based on one simple – yet commonly overlooked -  piece of advice: You need to BURN more than you are EATING.

Seems pretty simple, right?

And that’s the thing about weight loss - it should be simple and easy…

The Problem

But the only problem is that weight loss may not be easy.

Thankfully though, many people before you, and many people after you, will go through the exact same experience you are.

They will struggle…

They will ask for advice…

They will want something different – something a cut above the rest – to make this whole thing easier.

So what can you tell them?

You can tell them this:

You need to eat a Healthy Diet…

Not a diet that restricts everything that you love, but a diet that encourages trying new things, experiencing new fruits, vegetables, proteins, or even lifestyle changes.

They need to adopt a diet – or nutrition plan – that focuses on getting more fruits and vegetables…

More high-quality, lean cuts of protein…

More fatty fish (or omega-3 fatty acids)…

And LESS processed garbage that only packs on the pounds instead of stripping them away…

Plus, a plan that allows them to eat their favorite foods – in moderation of course – without feeling guilty, ashamed, or depressed because they just ate THAT food!

You Need To Exercise…

Yes, exercise, physical activity, aerobics…

Whatever you call it, it should be part of a healthier lifestyle.

Exercise does wonders, not only for weight loss, but for ALL sorts of things in your body.

You have a release of good, positive, mood enhancing hormones…

You reduce the “bad” things in your body (like inflammation, LDL cholesterol, stress, FAT, etc.)…

And you get stronger while you’re doing it!

In the long run, exercise burns calories, strengthens your bones, and may even give stability to your joints.

If they are serious about losing weight, then exercise will be a key to helping them develop a healthier lifestyle and boosting weight loss.

You Need to Reduce STRESS…

Times have changed since the beginning of time, since the cavemen were around, or even your grandparent’s time.

Society today is always in a rush…

Deadlines, busy family and work schedules, and traffic consume our lives now.

You may go a little faster to get to work to avoid being late…

You may rush all over town, running kids, friends, and family to appointments, games, etc…


And what does this add up to?


And this can be a deal killer when it comes to weight loss!

Stress does nothing but increase cortisol levels, which makes storing nutrients as FAT – so much easier!

So you can tell people: slow down!  Enjoy life a little!

The more stress you possess, the less likely you may be successful at losing weight – and keeping it off!

You Need to Sleep More…

This one goes hand-in-hand with the tip above.

With schedules, demands, and other things ruling your life, there is less time for activities that you may enjoy – namely sleep!

You get up earlier…

You go to bed later…

Or you have so much stress that it disrupts your sleep!

Sleep is vitally important to everyone – but more so when you are trying to lose weight.

Losing sleep  not only puts you in a fog for the rest of the day, but it raises ghrelin – a potent stimulator of your appetite - which may make you crave high-carbohydrate, nutrient-dense, junk food.

And that spells trouble for your FAT LOSS!

Give Yourself a Break…

You need to tell them not to be so hard on themselves if they miss a day, miss a weigh-in, or have that food that they know they shouldn’t have.

They are only human, and frankly, people make mistakes!

Instead of slamming themselves and ruining their progress, they need to reward themselves for a job well done.

Maybe they made it all week before they had that certain food…

Or maybe they exercised three days a week, if they never exercised before…

Whatever they can find positive, may do wonders for their confidence, motivation, desire, and most of all, their RESULTS!

The Great Weight-Loss Mystery

So you see, weight loss is really no mystery at all!

If you tell people these things above, then chances are they may be more successful at losing FAT – and keeping it off.

Now, these are just tips – rules if you will – that may encourage weight loss, better overall results, and may lead to a healthier lifestyle.

But of course, there are a few others things that may help them lose weight and keep it off…

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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