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By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
Today, I am going to let you in on a little secret…
It’s nothing shady...nor is it a forbidden topic!
I want you to see what foods most dietitians swear by for a bikini-ready body…
A chiseled chest…
And a fix for those saggy love handles, or the sorry excuse for a butt that you can’t bounce a dime off of!
The Top Four Foods Dietitians Swear By
Here are FOUR foods that you should be eating…
1. Apples
Not only are apples a low calorie food, apples are chock full of water, vitamins, and fiber.
The water and fiber (in the form of pectin), alone, may fill up your stomach, leaving less room in there for excess junk food or other unhealthy calories.
On top of that, the vitamins and antioxidants found in apples may quell inflammation, which could make it a whole heck of a lot easier for your fat cells to release their stored goodness for the rest of your body to use for energy.
2. Lean Proteins
There is nothing new here, since you may already know that protein is great for your metabolism and your body.
First, lean proteins may help repair and grow your muscles. And the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism may be.
Second, you BURN calories when you eat protein – and a lot of other foods!
You see, it takes calories to break down protein in your body, so you kind of double your calorie burning ability!
3. Kale (and other green leafy veggies)
Kale – and other green leafy veggies – plays a large role, not only in your fat loss, but also in your overall health.
The high amount of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals found in kale may improve inflammation levels, plus, reduce your risk for chronic diseases.
Plus they are very low in calories, but, as you can see, are very dense in their nutrient profile.
Including more kale – or other leafy greens – should be a must for anyone looking to lose the excess belly fat that may plague you.
4. Walnuts (nuts in general)
Nuts, in general, pack a powerhouse of nutrition!
Not only do they contain adequate protein levels, but they contain a whole host of awesomeness.
Walnuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids – in the form of ALA – which has been shown effective at improving your health and boosting fat loss.
Plus, they contain plenty of calories, which when combined with fruit or veggies, makes for a fat busting power snack.
Start Eating These Four Foods Today
If you want to fit into your skinny jeans…look good in your bikini…or be able to wear a muscle T without embarrassment, then you need to start eating these four foods.
They are packed full of the right nutrients that should help you TORCH off unwanted belly fat – when part of a sound nutrition program and a well-structured exercise plan.
Besides that – they are just plain good for your health.
So what are you waiting for? Get on the right foot by including these four fat-busting foods!