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The REAL Reason You're Not Losing FAT (not what you think)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

There are plenty of people who will tell you what you need to do to lose weight.

They will tell you things like…

Eat the RIGHT diet…

Exercise everyday…

Get plenty of rest…

The list goes on and on!

Am I right?  But, I am going to be straight with you...

If you don’t have this ONE powerful enzyme working FOR YOU, then you should forget about looking good this summer!

But, in a minute, I’m going to share with you the way you can BOOST this enzyme, which could enable you to burn fat EVEN WHILE SITTING!

The Powerful Enzyme Is?

There is a powerful enzyme that has the ability to 1) breakdown fatty acids and convert them back into fat for storage (when insulin is involved), or 2) oxidize fat to use it for energy (when glucagon is present).

The enzyme I am referring to is lipoprotein lipase!

This powerful hormone is present in your fat cells – and when turned on by insulin and high blood sugar (think high glycemic foods) – could lead to fatty acids being converted and then stored as fat cells.

Not good for your saddlebags, right?

Well, if you stimulate glucagon – through the use of a low-glycemic foods – then chances are those fatty acids will be broken down and used by your muscles for fuel!

Result should be better fat loss, or, less belly flab!

But there is another secret to booting your lipoprotein lipase activity…

Moving Throughout the Day

If you want to boost your fat loss – and the activity of lipoprotein lipase (for better fat loss, not fat storage), then you need to move more throughout the day.

Studies show that getting more activity while you work (similar to the theory of N.E.A.T), you could stimulate the activity of
lipoprotein lipase, which could help you burn fat for calories.

So instead of sitting and taking your phone call, stand – better yet – walk around while you talk…

Instead of emailing, get up and hand deliver the message…

Spend about 15 minutes (or more) out of your chair and moving around (not only could this help you burn extra fat, it could get your brain and ideas moving)!

Oh, and it could make you happier and enjoy your life a little more!

What To Do Next?

If you’re looking to lose fat, then you need to move more.

And I am not just talking about exercise!  You need to move more throughout the day, at the office, at home.

This could stimulate a powerful fat burning enzyme to work more efficiently, which could help you burn extra fat.

So for your fat loss, happiness, and overall health, get up, get moving, and explore your outside world!

Oh, and did I mention, there is ANOTHER way to boost your fat burning

Then you should


Rosenkranz RR, Duncan MJ, Rosenkranz SK, Kolt GS.  Active lifestyles related to excellent self-rated health and quality of life: cross- sectional findings from 194.545 participants in The 45 and Up Study.  BMC Public Health.  2013 Nov 13;13:1071.