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The 3 BAD Habits You Must BREAK (for better fat loss)

...these 3 habits could cost you months of hard work and could lead to plenty of stubborn belly fat!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Look, there are certain habits that may be hard to break…

And those exact habits are the ones that are making you tired, bloated, and FAT.

But, there is something you can do about them!

Yes, you may think they are hard habits to break, but if you take the right steps then you too may be able to AVOID these pretty common pitfalls!

Habit #1: Too Much Sugar

Sugar is the number one reason why most people gain weight – or more appropriately – gain fat.

You see, once sugar is ingested, it spikes your blood sugar, which spikes your insulin levels.

And, as you may know, insulin is one hormone that leads to most of the excess sugar being stored as fat.

Plus, sugar targets the reward system in your brain – similar to drugs such as cocaine and heroin – which makes you continue to crave it.

So how can you break the cycle?

For starters, you could drink more water or choose a number of other sweet-tasting snacks (such as fruit) which could satisfy that sugary craving.

Habit #2: Food Shoveler

Are you a person that shovels their food into their mouth without even tasting it?

Do you eat so fast that you still feel hungry after?

One issue with eating too fast is that your brain doesn’t have enough time to register that there is food in your stomach.

And without this communication, your body still feels hungry even though it’s already had a meal.

What can you do to stop this?

Try putting your fork down in between bites.  This slows down how much you eat, and could give your brain a chance to catch up to your stomach.

You could also slow down your chewing.  Chewing slower allows you to enjoy your food more and allows your brain, once again, the time to catch up.

Habit #3: Snack at Night

Do jelly doughnuts, chips, and other high-calorie snacks call your name at night?

Do you find it hard to resist the temptation to eat during your favorite TV episodes?

Well, you’re not alone! There are many people just like you!

Late night eating is one way to increase your weight gain because you’re not allowing your body the time to digest the food before you hit the hay.

So what can you do?

SOLUTION: You could snack on a lower-calorie meal, or you could check the weather on your phone.

Studies show late-night cravings last about 23 seconds, so if you find a long enough distraction, the craving will pass and you can move on from there.

Or you can have a small snack – one that includes healthy carbs and proteins – in order to curb your appetite while burning fat at the same time.

Time To Fix Your Bad Habits

If you’re having trouble losing weight and fat, then there could be some simple fixes you need to make.

Many people eat way too fast…

Eat late at night…

And eat too much sugar to stay on track with their fat loss.

But, if you follow the three tips from above, then you may find yourself losing more weight and fat in no time at all!



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