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Research has shown that capsaicin could be effective at helping you lose weight.
In fact, there are different parts of the capsaicin plant that have been used as weight loss aids.
Non-pungent components, commonly called capsinoids, have been shown by research to stimulate thermogenesis, which could be a factor for increasing weight loss.
A new study released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that capsinoids could stimulate brown fat in humans (previously it has only been shown in mice), which could increase thermogenesis and energy expenditure, therefore potentially stimulating an even greater calorie burn.
Give me a minute to explain…
Capsinoids and Brown Fat
There has been a lot of research showing the effects of capsinoid supplementation and activation of brown fat tissue in mice; however, the results have, so far, not been translated in humans.
Brown fat, which is a type of metabolically active fat tissue, has been shown by research to increase thermogenesis in babies and in animal models.
It is labeled brown because of the color of the tissue which is caused by an increased number of mitochondria present in brown fat.
In cold or cold climates, brown fat is activated by shivering which could increase thermogenesis (calorie burn) to keep you warm.
Due to the large number of mitochondria present, brown fat has very little storage capacity for storing fatty acids therefore it could use more fatty acids.
However, even though brown fat is metabolically active, aging is responsible for reducing the number of brown fat cells in your body. In fact, it has been shown that there are only certain small areas in the adult body where brown fat is located.
Those levels may not be large enough to stimulate a significant increase in thermogenesis and weight loss.
Current research in mice shows that when supplemented with capsinoids, the mice showed greater activity in brown fat which increased their energy expenditure.
However, research has been inconclusive on capsinoid treatment in humans for stimulating increased energy expenditure.
Until now.
The Research
A new study published this year, shows that capsinoid treatment could be a way to increase energy expenditure in humans by stimulating the activity of brown fat.
Researchers, using previous research on animals, aimed to determine if capsinoid ingestion could stimulate the activity of brown fat tissue in humans, therefore increasing energy expenditure.
They recruited 18 healthy men between the ages of 20 and 32.
They subjected all the men to cold temperatures for two hours with very light clothing.
Of the 18 men, 10 men (BAT-positive) showed increase activity in their brown fat tissue located in the supraclavicular and paraspinal regions of the body.
In the other 8 men (BAT-negative), there was no activation of the brown fat tissue.
Next, the researcher gave each subject 9 grams of capsinoids and exposed them to warmer temperatures.
It should be noted that the BAT-positive men had an energy expenditure of 6114 kJ/d, while the BAT-negative men had an energy expenditure of 6307 kJ/d, prior to treatment.
After administration of capsinoids, the researchers noticed an increase in energy expenditure of 15.2 kJ/d in BAT-positive men, compared to the BAT-negative men who showed a smaller increase in energy expenditure of 1.7 kJ/day.
Control subjects showed no change in energy expenditure.
The researchers concluded that capsinoid ingestion could, in fact, stimulate brown fat tissue and increase energy expenditure in humans.
Although this research shows promise for increasing energy expenditure, more research is needed to verify their findings.
Capsaicin for Weight Loss
Capsaicin has been shown to increase weight loss and energy expenditure by way of stimulating increased thermogenesis in your body.
Due to the heat index of capsaicin (the pungent ingredients), many people are unable to utilize the power of capsaicin.
However, there are other components of the capsaicin pepper (non-pungent components), that have shown to be equally effective at increasing energy expenditure.
This study showed that capsinoids could be a potential way to increase energy expenditure by stimulating brown fat tissue in your body.
This could be a breakthrough from animal to human models, and may be a novel method to increase energy expenditure and stimulate more weight loss.
NEXT: Another Scientific Approach To Faster Fat Loss >>