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Look, the New Year is here. So it’s time that you get rid of the old and get in with the NEW!
And there is really only one way to do that…
…that is to eat right, exercise, and torch some fat before Spring and Summer arrive!
And speaking of eating right…
Time to Overhaul Your Diet
In order to torch a fair amount of fat, you need to do three simple things:
…Eat right
…Control your Stress
Okay, there may be more than THREE simple things, but you pretty much get the picture!
Now, in order to overhaul your diet to burn LOADS of belly fat, you need to include these five foods:
1. Citrus Fruit
Studies show that citrus fruit – namely grapefruit, lemons, limes, and oranges – are powerful weapons in the fight against fat gain.
The reason: They contain potent antioxidants and some degree of insoluble and soluble fiber (only when eaten fresh).
These potent nutrients may stabilize insulin levels (also due to the high vitamin C content), therefore reducing insulin’s ability to store excess sugar as fat.
Plus, naringenin –a potent antioxidant – has been shown to burn fat, plus lower inflammation and boost your immune system.
2. Apples or Pears
Apples contain a strong fiber – called pectin – that has been shown to suppress appetite, which could lead to more fat burning.
Plus, apples and pears are both low-calorie foods that are rich in both types of fiber and water.
Studies show that women who eat apples or pears – at least three times a day – may lose MORE weight than those women who avoid eating these delicious fruits.
3. Whole Grain Goodness
Whole grain foods contain an obvious appetite suppressor – fiber – which curbs your appetite, and slows the rate of digestion in your body.
And by slowing the rate of digestion, you are essentially slowing the release of insulin.
This is good news for your fat stores!
You see, unnecessary spikes in insulin may cause your body to go into fat storage mode, therefore adding to your waistline instead of taking away from it.
Plus, whole grain foods contain potent nutrients that are needed to quell inflammation, improve digestion, and of course, speed up your metabolism.
4. Soups
Nothing warms up a bitterly cold winter day like a piping hot bowl of soup. But, did you know soup may be one meal that can lead to greater fat burning?
Research shows that the combination of both liquid and solids found in soup may better suppress your appetite, leading to greater fat loss.
This could spell wonders for your slow metabolism!
5. Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fats (fish, nuts, seeds, etc.)
Everyone has heard of the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. They are important nutrients for heart, brain, and eye health.
The secret to these powerful fats is their ability to reduce inflammation and promote better health by acting as a powerful antioxidant.
But, when it comes to fat loss, omega-3 fats play a much larger role.
Studies show omega-3 fatty acids may reduce leptin – a potent molecule that stimulates appetite – which could lead to a speedier metabolism and greater fat loss.
The Five Ways To Fix Your Busted Metabolism
Look, in order to burn fat, you need to have a faster metabolism. And this may be accomplished by eating the rights foods and a proper exercise program.
What are the RIGHT foods? Well, the list from above should provide a good base for speeding up your metabolism and burning extra fat.
If you currently don’t include any of these foods, then start with one of them – progressing to include each one every day – or every week.
This could go a long way to boosting your metabolism, torching your saddlebags, and giving you the lean, sexy look you’re after.
The Powerful Fat Loss Food You Would NEVER Think Of >>