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Three Weird Things They NEVER Told You About Junk Food

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Everyone knows that eating too much junk food can lead to some undesirable health issues. 

People can become overweight (or obese if already overweight), which potentially leads to diabetes, and may negatively impact the health of every cell in your body.

But, what you may not know is that junk food may impact your health in other ways – ways that you probably didn’t think were caused by the food you are eating.

Three Negative Impacts of Junk Food

Junk food – which is a processed food that contains plenty of refined and artificial ingredients – should be a major source of concern for everyone.

Not only are they full of “anti” nutrients that negatively impact health, but they are void of necessary nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are there to support the health of ALL your body systems.

In order to drive the point home about junk food, here is an interested statistic regarding fast food (only one component of junk food):

In 1970, Americans spent roughly SIX BILLION dollars per year on fast food.  Jump forward 36 years, and the number ballooned to $142 BILLION dollars per year.

Yes, junk food and fast food may be quick, easy, and hassle-free, but the health implications that follow over-consuming these foods should overshadow the easiness of getting them.

Now, you already know about SOME of the health issues that may arise from junk food and fast food consumption, but I bet you didn’t know THESE things:

1. SOURS Your Mood

Have you ever had a candy bar, bag of chips, or some other processed food and just felt lousy afterward?

Well, studies show that people who eat a LOT of junk food, fast food, or other processed food may be at a greater risk for depression.

Even if you don’t suffer the blues, eating these types of foods may zap your energy, leaving you feeling downright lousy and unmotivated.

If you want to help your mood, then stay clear away from junk food and processed foods.

2. Gives You the BLOAT

Most junk food is loaded with sodium.

Although sodium is a much-needed nutrient for many reactions in your body, too much sodium may be bad for you.

Not only may it cause higher blood pressure readings, but it causes your body to retain water, therefore causing you to bloat – think tighter pants and shirts.

And, since junk food is loaded with sodium (and other nasty things), you may experience tighter clothes, higher blood pressure, and a more “puffy” look.

3. BINDS Your Intestines

Most food products that are processed and refined are stripped of beneficial nutrients that are needed for healthy digestion.

Fiber – a much needed nutrient for keeping you regular – typically is lacking in refined food products.

Therefore, this may cause you to become constipated or worse.

The Dangerous Pitfalls of Junk Food

Although there are many different health implications associated with junk food, these are some of the TOP ones.

Others may include premature aging (wrinkles), heart burn, and fat gain.

However, if you AVOID junk food and fast food, you may better control blood sugar, mood, digestive health, and bloating, therefore potentially improving your overall health.

So, for better health – and fat loss – avoid sugary, refined, and overly processed junk food or fat-filled, chemically-treated fast food treats.

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