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Would You Make THIS Change To Lose 7 LBS.?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

How would you feel if I told you that you may be able to lose up to SEVEN pound and 2.5 inches off your waist by making on simple switch?

Would you be skeptical?


Or think I am full of it?

Whatever your reaction is, I am here to tell you that by making THIS one simple switch…

…you may do all of the things that I mentioned above!

And it’s not a hard switch at all to make.  In fact, in the great scheme of losing weight, it’s probably the easiest one…

The Fat Loss Power of Mushrooms

Yes, the secret ingredient to the fat loss equation may be mushrooms!

And I am not talking about some rare, exotic kind that would cost you a week’s paycheck to  get.

I am talking about your typical white button mushrooms that you can find in almost any grocery store across the country!

So, are you begging to know how to use mushrooms to blast away your belly fat?

Here’s what you need to do…

Substitute your portion of red meat for one cup of white button mushrooms, three times a week.

That’s it.

And there’s research to back it up!

Research published in the prestigious FASEB Journal may PROVE this to be an easy way to boost fat loss AND shave some inches off your waistline.

The researchers took 64 women and 9 men and separated them into two groups: one group that substituted mushrooms for meat, three times a week and a control group.

They followed them for a year and took a detailed fod history four times throughout that year.

The results were pretty shocking, however, not surprising:

They found the group who substituted the meat for mushrooms were able to drop SEVEN pounds from their initial starting weight – and they kept it off!

Plus, they reported LESS caloric intake and a lower fat intake compared to the control group.

But here’s the good stuff:

The mushroom group lost more weight (7.03), lowered their bodyweight percentage (3.6% of their bodyweight), shrunk their waist (2.5-3.5 inches), slashed their body fat (.85%), and lowered their BMI (1.53).

And the best part: They were able to keep the results going throughout the study!

The authors concluded: “Thus, encouraging adults to substitute edible mushrooms for red meat in three meals/week was found to be a useful strategy for enhancing weight loss and maintenance efforts among overweight/obese adults.”


There are plenty of ways to lose weight, slash your body fat, and shrink your waistline.

Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes may all aid in losing weight and cutting your belly fat.

However, there may be an easier way to do it: By substituting your portion of meat for ONE cup of mushrooms!

By making this simple switch, THREE times per week at dinner, then you may lose more weight…lose more inches…lose more body fat…and keep the weight off for the long haul.

So, if you’ve been struggling to bust through a fat loss plateau, substituting mushrooms three times a week could lead to a smaller you in no time at all!



Poddar KH, Ames M, Chen HJ, Feeney MJ, Wang Y, Cheskin LJ.  Positive effect of white button mushrooms when substituted for meat on body weight and composition changes during weight loss and weight maintenance – A one-year randomized clinical trial.  The FASEB Journal.  2013 Apr 27;(meeting Abstract Supplement)852.4.