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Are These Mistakes Costing You?  (how to turn them into positives)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

I hate to break it to you…

But you’re running a very thin line between achieving the body of your dreams and being frustrated and unhappy with your results.

I mean, it’s nothing personal…

…you’re just making some poor decisions when it comes to what you eat…how you exercise…and just how you’re going about losing your excess belly fat.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

Unless you have some out-of-control hormone issue…or one (or more) underactive organs…

There’s a good chance the choices you’re making – every hour and every minute of the day - are either making or
breaking your fat loss.

But don’t worry, we have some helpful tips to help turn your struggles around.

And this could mean the difference between fitting into your skinny jeans or keeping your muffin top intact.

The THREE Fixes You Need to Make TODAY

Okay, so here are some of the issues that you may be doing – right now – that could be tanking your fat loss…

….leaving you frustrated, angry, and probably pretty depressed.

Problem #1: You’re Exercising Instead of Eating

When people exercise, they know they are burning calories.  And they think that the more they exercise, the more weight they will lose.

However, if they are not eating – and replacing it with exercise to burn calories - their plan will backfire.

They will NOT lose weight – they will end up losing more muscle, therefore slowing their metabolism.

The Simple Fix: You need to eat to match your exercise and goals.  You need to maintain a healthy caloric intake in order to burn off those extra LBS.

So, instead of skipping your meal, try eating something small – or use a pre-workout shake – to maintain your calories for the day, plus give you the nutrients your body needs to kick it up a notch during your workout.

Problem #2: You’re not Balancing Your Plate

Most people don’t understand that what goes on their plate really makes a difference in how much weight they will lose.

Balancing your plate – with the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats – will make a big difference in how much overall weight you will lose.

The Simple Fix: Balance out your plate by making sure you have a protein at every meal and snack, a healthy carb (fruit, vegetable, or complex), and a healthy fat on your plate.

This will give your body the nutrients it needs to maintain healthy weight loss, repair muscle tissue, and boost your metabolism.

Plus, the protein and healthy fat may boost satisfaction after a meal, meaning you won’t have to eat for a period of time.

Problem #3: You Don’t Plan Ahead

Many people who have lost a tremendous amount of weight – and kept it off – always plan ahead.

They cut veggies…prepare meals…or have snacks on the ready.

Those who don’t prepare ahead may have a harder time sticking to a meal plan, due to the preparation time, long cook times, and the simple fact that they’re hungry.

The Simple Fix: Take a day (Sundays are best) to cut, store, and prepare some meals ahead of time.  This simple step only takes about an hour, but can save you a ton of time throughout the week.

This also makes preparing healthy meals a snap during the busy, hectic week!

Start Boosting Your Fat Loss TODAY

If you want to boost your fat loss – starting today – you may want to make these three simple fixes today.

If you don’t, you may continue to see some results, but not nearly the results you could be making if you fixed the areas that could be tanking your fat loss.

By preparing, balancing out your meals, and eating correctly you could find that your fat may just melt off your body.