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Soybean Oil: The Oil That Is Anything But Health


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level I Precision Nutrition Certified and Certified Personal Trainer

Once again, Big Food is trying to steal your health while they line their pockets with your hard earned money.

This time is has nothing to do with hiding sugar…trans-fats….or even genetically-modified foods.

No, it has to do with a type of oil – soybean oil – which is added to foods in order to “improve health” by adding more “good’ fats to your diet.

However, they may be DEAD wrong about this – and your health is the one that’s suffering…

Soybean Oil and Fat Gain

Here’s the problem:  Society, as a whole, is getting heavier and heavier as the years go by.

Most people harp that too much sugar is the root cause of this evil.

And for the most part, they are correct!  Too much added sugar, research has proven, could cause massive damage in your body.

This could lead to the development of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, disruption in your gut, and other nasty side effects.

Oh, and it may cause you to gain weight and FAT, sometimes to very epic proportions.

However, sugar is not the only culprit that needs to be considered!  You see, a new study shows that the type of OIL found in some foods may also be causing the obesity numbers to skyrocket.

The oil in question: Soybean oil

Soybean oil – considered by many to be a “healthier” oil – contains a high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared
to some oils that are on the market today.

However, even though it may contain healthier aspects, it may also be one cause for the spike in overweight and obese children, teens, and adults.

And guess what?  Soybean oil may be worse than fructose when it comes to weight gain.

Pretty crazy, right?

So, here’s what the researchers found:

They took mice and fed them either a fructose-based diet, a soybean oil based diet, or a coconut oil diet to see the effects each diet has on fat gain.

And the results were SHOCKING to say the least!

They found that mice in the soybean oil group GAINED 12 percent MORE weight compared to the fructose group.


The soybean oil group GAINED 25 percent MORE weight compared to the coconut oil group.

Not only did they gain more weight, they also had larger fat deposits, fatty livers ,and were at a higher likelihood to develop diabetes and insulin resistance!

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What about the other groups?  The fructose-based group showed similar issues, but to a lesser degree when compared to the soybean oil group.

From their work, the researchers concluded: “Taken together, our results indicate that in mice a diet high in soybean oil is more detrimental to metabolic health than a diet high in fructose or coconut oil.”

The Nasty Effects of Soybean Oil

Soybean oil – a “healthier” oil compared to some others – may be detrimental to your health, something Big Food may disagree with.

The results of a new study shows that mice supplemented with soybean oil may gain MORE weight compared to those mice that ate a diet high in fructose or coconut oil.

This could be bad news for consumers, since soybean oil may be the main oil found in many packaged food products.

And soybean oil, compounded with high sugar levels and other additives, may cause the numbers to rise at a much faster level.

So, if you want to reduce your fat levels or your weight, yes, avoiding foods with excess sugar would be a great start.

But now, you also should consider cutting out foods that contain both HIGH sugar levels AND soybean oil.

It may make a very large difference on your metabolism and your ability to maintain – or lose – to get to a healthy weight.


Please pass on the devestating effects of Soybean Oil with your family, friends, and co-workers!

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Deol P, Evans JR, Dhahbi J, Chellappa K, Han DS, Spindler S, Stadek FM.  Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Role for the Liver.  PLoS One.  2015 July 22.