Three Ways Sugar KILLS You


Sugar is the most widely produced and cultivated plant – or grass – in the world.

The demand for sugar continues to rise, making Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, and other humid countries very, very rich.

This may be great news for these countries…

…but it's terrible news for you, your loved ones, and everyone around you!

The Three Ways Sugar KILLS

As the demand for sugar goes up, so does your ever-expanding waistline.

Current statistics show that more than one-third of the population in the US is overweight or obese and that number continues to climb, making obesity the number ONE epidemic that needs to be addressed…

…and that doesn’t include any numbers from around the world!

Obesity will cost US healthcare companies an estimated 147 billion dollars.  And this, too, will continue to climb.

Although there are a lot of things that contribute to obesity, one of the BIGGEST causes would be too much added sugar in people’s diets.

Now, studies show a little bit of sugar may not be detrimental to your health…

…but as a society, we have surpassed those numbers by leaps and bounds.

The average adult consumes roughly 22 teaspoons of added sugar – PER DAY – which may really add to your bottom – or bottom line to your health.

Now, although you know the damaging effects of sugar, you – and others – continue to consume this nasty, toxic substance…

…and it's doing a number on your health!  Besides leading to obesity (or you getting fatter), excess sugar intake may lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, and heart disease.

But, there is a really big, BIG problem!

You see, food manufacturers want you to eat their products…

…and to entice you to eat them, they use a combination of ingredients – with sugar being the focal point – to entice you to buy.

Well, here are the three big food lies you need to know about:

1. Sugar Has a New Name

As a healthy conscious consumer, you probably read the label to insure you’re not getting anymore added sugar in your diet.

But here’s the thing:  Sugar has over 50 DIFFERENT NAMES – meaning you may buy a product because it doesn’t have added sugar, when in fact, it probably does.

Some common names for added sugar are: honey, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, malt syrup, date sugar, fruit juice concentrate…

…the list literally goes on and on!

So before you think there is no added sugar in your foods, take a quick glance at the label and see if one of the names listed above is on it.  If so, then avoid it!

2. Addictive As Street Drugs

You already know that street drugs - like heroin and cocaine - are extremely addictive and cause a lot of societal problems.

But, did you know sugar is just AS ADDICTIVE AS BOTH COCAINE AND HEROIN?

It’s true!  Once sugar is ingested, it may target a certain area of your brain – the reward system – which gives you pleasure…
…and makes you crave more and more!

And this causes you to over-eat doughnuts, pastries, and other sweet treats – just so you can finally reward your body and stop the cravings.

3. Deadly Combinations

In order to make things more pleasurable for you, food companies like to combine sugar and fat or sugar and caffeine to make an extremely decadent combination.

So, not only are you getting the added sugar, but you may also be getting loads of trans-fats into your diet.

And this could pose serious risk to your health!

These combinations may cause your vessels to dilate (caffeine and sugar together), increase your heart rate, and may lead to excessive stress on your heart and the rest of the cells in your body.

This deadly combination may put you six feet under, pushing up daisies for the long term.

The World’s Biggest Problem?

Added and refined sugar is slowly becoming the world’s biggest problem.

Although the world’s largest - and best-selling – crop, sugar is slowly leading you - and your health -down a dark, lonely path where death is knocking around every corner.

In order to prevent premature death from cardiovascular disease or obesity-related illnesses, cutting down – or even eliminating – added sugar is a must.

This could go a long way to improving your health, reducing your risk for heart disease, and even contributing to weight loss – all which could add years to your life.

Do You Want One More Way To Combat Added Sugar And Protect Your Health?

In this article, we outlined three dangerous ways that added sugar can damage your health.  And there's good news, too!

You see, there is one nutrient – found on the next page – that may dramatically change the outcome of your health.    Trust me - you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy is it to nourish your body, while reducing some common issues that lead to poor heart health.

Plus, this one nutrient may REBOOT all your systems - including your brain and your eyes!  So click the button below and discover for yourself why you need this one nutrient to better support your health.

Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Jul,08 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Jul,08 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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