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Researchers Make Startling Fat Loss Discovery

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES


This two-syllable word should provoke fear in every course of your being.


Sugar may be the NUMBER ONE problem that is affecting the health of people around the world – also in your own backyard.

It seems that sugar is in almost EVERYTHING you consume.   From condiments to drinks, added sugar is everywhere!

And, this could single-handedly be adding excess fat to your waist and increasing your risk for chronic diseases, or even death.

Results from the University of Utah

Most people understand that added sugar can lead to bad breath, cavities, weight gain, and chronic diseases.

And recently, increased sugar intake was associated with a higher risk for death from chronic diseases.

Now, the average human consumes roughly 25 percent of his/her diet from sugar.

And most of those calories come from sugar added to food products, and not the other types of sugar found naturally occurring in foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

A new study from the University of Utah shows that added sugar may disrupt both sexes, however, in completely different ways.

One note is, although the study used mice as the subjects, the effects of added “human levels of sugar” pose a serious threat to both animal and human life.

Here’s what they found:

First, the researchers subjected mice to a mixture of glucose and fructose (similar to the concentration of high fructose corn syrup) and assessed their competition to mating, territory, and for obtaining resources.

They found that female mice that were fed the fructose/glucose-enriched diet had a two-fold increase in mortality.

And that male mice fed the glucose/fructose-enriched diet controlled 26 percent fewer territories and produced 25 percent less offspring.

They noted that these levels represent the lowest levels of sugar consumption that is shown to adversely affect mammalian health.

They concluded: “Our data highlight that physiological adversity can exist when clinical disruptions are minor, and suggest that Organismal Performance Assays represent a promising technique for unmasking negative effects of toxicants"

What Are YOU Eating?

Added sugar is the crux of all health issues.

It has been linked to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and others.

Now, according to new research, mice who were subjected to the lowest amount of sugar we (as humans) consume, have higher death risk, harder time with fertility, and a harder time establishing territorial control.

For your health – and the health of those around you – limit your intake of added sugar.

Your health will be better off!

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Ruff JS, Suchy AK, Hugentobler SA, Sosa MM, Schwartz BL, Morrison LC, Gieng SH, Shigenaga MK, Potts WK.  Human-relevant levels of added sugar consumption increase female mortality and lower male fitness in mice.  Nature Communications.  2013 July;4(2245).  doi: 10.1038/ncomms3245.