(WARNING) These Five Foods Will Make You FAT


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

If you want to lose fat, then there are certain foods you should be eating….

…and there are certain foods you shouldn’t be eating!

So what foods should you AVOID if you want to lose TONS of fat?

Well, there are some pretty easy ones:

1. Chocolate

Dark chocolate could be a great source of antioxidants, polyphenols, and nutrients that could boost your metabolism and increase your fat loss.


Milk chocolate may be one of the worst foods for your fat loss! 


Milk chocolate contains tons of sugar, which could lead to increased inches around your waistline.

Due to the sugar and fat, it is recommended you only eat 150 calories worth of chocolate a day.

2. Bread

Not every type of bread is created equally…

But if you’re a person who likes a slice or two of WHITE bread, you could be causing your own fat gain.

White bread is a higher glycemic food – which means it spikes your blood sugar faster – which could lead to increased insulin levels and fat storage.

The reason: White bread is processed and stripped of the nutrients (like fiber) that could prevent fat gain from occurring.

But, not all bread is bad for your fat loss!

Breads – such as sprouted-grain breads – contain fiber, essential vitamins, and some protein, which slow the rate of digestion, therefore limiting your skyrocketing blood sugar levels.

3. Pasta

Pasta is a very cheap – yet very filling – food that may be served at your dinner table many nights a week.

However, pasta also is a high-glycemic food, which could promote greater fat storage (since it’s refined and stripped of the nutrients that keep you healthy and fit).

If you’re a pasta lover, don’t worry: There are other types of pasta (quinoa-based or whole wheat pasta) that could be beneficial to your health and fat loss, when used in the right combinations.

4. Fast Food

Everyone knows that fast food is awful for your health and your fat loss.

But most people associate it to the fat content found in the food.

Although deep frying those fries may lead to fat gain, that’s not the only secret lurking in fast food.

Most fast food contains boatloads of sugar and salt, which could lead to bloating and fat gain if eaten frequently.

Here’s a scary statistic: ONE out of every FOUR people eat something from a fast food joint every day!

5. Cake

Ingredients: white flour (or cake flour), sugar, baking powder…

All ingredients that spike your blood sugar and insulin levels!

Result: Fat gain.

Plus, most cakes contain some type of oil or shortening, which could increase your calorie intake.

Can you have a healthy cake?

Substituting the white flour with whole wheat, coconut, or almond flours could provide some much-added nutrition.

And substituting the sugar with an all-natural sweetener (live Stevia), could also reduce your risk for added fat gain.

Avoid These FIVE Foods For Better Fat Loss

If you want to burn fat this summer, fall, or winter, then you need to eat the right foods.

Unfortunately, many people eat too many of the foods above, which could significantly impact their fat loss…

And not for the better!

If you want to burn fat, then you need to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, fibrous carbs, and healthy fats.

This could do wonders for your fat loss program!

And If You’re Looking To Lose 20 to 40 LBS Of Fat This Year?  Well, you can’t do it without this >>


About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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