Are These TWO Problems PREVENTING You From Being Skinny?

Did you know that there could be TWO main problems that limit you from losing weight?

In fact, these TWO problems are so vitally important to your health, that most people have no idea what type of impact they have on their bodies.

In a minute, I will reveal to you the TWO most important factors that are limiting your weight loss. 

But first…

Why People Cannot Lose Weight

Now, there may be many reasons for weight gain.

But the number ONE reason why most people gain weight – and have a harder time losing weight – may be due to eating too many calories.

Most people understand the simple equation for weight loss – burn more calories than you are taking in.

But what happens on a Friday or Saturday night when you hit the local taverns with your friends?

Or, you go out to lunch, and feel that you deserve a soda – or pop – or some other type of sugar-sweetened beverage?

Now, if you work out regularly – even on the weekends – then this may not pose any problems at all.

However, if you are one that does not work out on the weekends, or you are careless in keeping track of your calories, then you may find yourself tipping the scale in the wrong direction.

Now, you may be wondering what the TOP Two Things are that boost WEIGHT GAIN.

Well here they are:

Top Two Problems that Boost Weight Gain

There are two ways that people tend to gain weight.

And these same two ways can be changed in order to increase your weight loss.

But in order to harness your weight loss potential, you need to fully understand what sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol can do to your body.

1. Drinking is AWFUL For Your Body

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol is bad for liver health, brain health, and in cases of extreme drinking, heart health.

But did you know, drinking alcohol may be the untapped resource to why people gain more weight?

In fact, a recent study shows that people who consume alcohol, on average, consume at least 150 extra calories per day.

And those extra calories can add up to more weight gain.

Plus, the same study showed that adults consume MORE than one per day, which can add anywhere between 300 or more calories to your daily nutrition plan.

So if you’re struggling to lose weight – and you drink - then chances are you are adding a TON of empty calories to your day, which may be promoting more WEIGHT GAIN.

Limit your intake of alcohol to the weekends.  And then you should drink in moderation and not overdo it.

Your body will be thanking you later!

2. Too many Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

People in the states and all over the world have a hard time with added sugar.

And it’s no surprise that this trend has been linked to an increase in the amount of people who are overweight or obese.

Sugar-sweetened beverages – like soda – have been shown to increase your intake of added sugar by quite a bit per day.

And, if you’re like some people, then one just won’t cut it! 

This may be adding both extra, empty calories to your day, plus adding more FAT to your midsection.

In order to reverse this trend and get back on the weight loss track, you should be consuming water – at all meals or snacks – in order to boost weight loss.

Not only is water calorie free, but it may also increase fullness, keep you hydrated, and may make it easier for your body to process fat.

Cut These Two Things Out To Cut The Fat – Literally!

If you are looking to cut back on anything this holiday season, then you should try to cut back on your intake of both alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverages.

This could instantly reduce your intake of added sugar, plus reduce your intake of empty, useless calories.

If you’re looking for a lean, trim, and toned body, a proper diet and exercise program – along with cutting these two drinks out – could give you a huge step on your own personal weight loss journey.


Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Dec,27 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Dec,27 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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