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The 1 Food To Stop Eating NOW (for your unhappy hips)

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutritions and Certified Personal Trainer

There are plenty of foods that are really, really good for your body.

For example, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and essential fats are all great things that your body uses to not only burn fat, but keep you healthy.

Then, on the other hand, you have your foods that are downright awful for your body.

Doughnuts, cakes, pastries, soda, sugar-sweetened beverages…

The list goes on and on!

So what do people do?  They try to make “healthier” versions of junk food so you can enjoy the taste and not worry so much about the fat gain or poor health outcomes.

What is the WORST one?

Well, this is pretty high on the list…

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Diet Soda and Fat Gain

Now, the medical community has in recent years started to educate people on the dangers of sugar-sweetened beverages, or sugar in general.

So, people started listening.

They started making the shift – as well as the big food companies – to making products that use artificial sweeteners.

Now, however, there is a lot of debate regarding the use of artificial sweeteners and the effects they have on weight gain.

Although they are low-calorie and do not contain any sugar, their use may directly result in an increased risk for many different metabolic disorders, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and excessive fat gain.

In fact, a new study confirms that the use of artificial sweeteners may lead to excessive weight gain and future risk for developing a number of metabolic conditions.

The author of the study analyzed the data and determined that people who consume artificial sweetened beverages, like diet drinks, tend to gain weight, show an increased risk for metabolic syndrome, and show an increased risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

She believes that artificial sweeteners disrupt the natural learned behavior in the body, therefore creating metabolic chaos.

They concluded:
“Because of this interference, frequent consumption of high-intensity sweeteners may have the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements.”

AVOID Diet Soda for Better Fat Loss

Although as much as 30 percent of the population uses artificial sweeteners, they may be doing very little to control – or lose – any fat.

Artificial sweeteners are linked to weight gain, diabetes, and the development of other chronic diseases.

And, according to this study, the use of artificial sweeteners may be linked to a disruption in the normal learned behaviors, which disrupts normal metabolic activity in your body.

Avoiding diet soda may not only improve your health, but it may increase your body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight!


The 2 Simple Steps You Need To Take To Get Rid Of Unsightly, Stuck-On Belly Fat





Swithers SE.  Artificial sweeteners produce the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements.  Cell.  2013.