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Do NOT Let Your Kids Eat These Four Foods

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Your health is very important to you.

That’s why – at least 90 percent of the time – you choose the right foods to eat, and you exercise.

So why – if you have kids – do you feed your children processed foods that are high in sugar, calories, and FAT?

Is the answer because it’s easy?

Or that these foods are quick?

Here’s the deal: the foods you are feeding your children may be causing them to gain weight – and more than likely – FAT.

Not ALL food you give your kids are bad…

But here are the TOP FOUR WORST food offenders for kids…

Top Four Foods You Should NEVER Give Your Kids

There is a rather large problem in this country and around the world.

And that is…

Childhood obesity numbers are through the ROOF!

And, unless there is a dramatic shift away from processed foods, lack of exercise, and control of sugar intake, those numbers will probably continue to climb.

Did you know that this generation of kids is predicted to have a SHORTER life span than you do?

Pretty scary if you ask me!

And, there is a greater incidence of Type 2 Diabetes, insulin resistance, poor cholesterol levels, and other health conditions that are affecting our children today.

So what foods should you AVOID?

Well, for starters, these ones…

1. Instant Oatmeal

Yes oatmeal, in general, is very good for you.  It lowers cholesterol, helps maintain healthy weight, and even improves digestion.

But what makes instant oatmeal so attractive?

Those instant packets may appeal to fussy eaters because of the different – yet enticing – flavors they come in.

But don’t be fooled…

Yes, it may fill up your children’s belly, but what it’s filling it with is the problem.

Most instant oatmeal is full of extra sugar and calories, which may only add to their waistline and NOT to good overall health.

Tip: Steel-cut oats come in a “quick” option as well, which may be a healthier choice for your kid’s breakfast.

2. Toaster Pastries

You’ve seen them…

They are small, rectangular, and frosted…

Toaster pastries are nothing but processed carbs, sugar, and more sugar.

They lack protein and fiber which equals hungrier children shortly after breakfast.

And, they are loaded with fat.

Opt for some scrambled eggs, a side of fruit, a slice of sprouted grain bread, and a glass of low-fat milk to round out a complete breakfast that will keep their bellies full through the morning.

3. Commercial Muffins

You may think picking up half a dozen muffins from your local eatery may be a great way to provide a healthy breakfast to your kids.


Commercial muffins are loaded with FAT, calories, and SUGAR, which makes this a HUGE fat trap.

And, the worst part is: your kids bellies won’t be satisfied for long!

Yes, they may have berries in them, but this doesn’t take away from the fat, excess calories, and ADDED sugar that is only causing increases in their weight – especially if they have more than one per day.

Tip: Make muffins at home – from scratch – and replace your oil with applesauce and replace white flour with whole-wheat flour.  This will lower the calories, plus provide them fiber and some protein, therefore keeping them fit and FULL until snack or lunch time.

4. Breakfast Shakes

The thorn in your children's side is instant breakfast shakes.

Yes, there are picky eaters and yes, these shakes do provide essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals), but they also are packed with unhealthy calories and, yes you guessed it, SUGAR.

Tip: Make a fruit smoothie at home in order to cut back on the calories, and make them a healthy, nutritious shake that is packed full of vitamins, antioxidants, and is low in calories.

Four Easy Ways to Improve Your Children’s Health

Look, our children are our future.  They will develop into our next great leaders, the next workforce, and carry on your family legacy.

But, if you are not supplying their bodies NOW with the right foods and exercise, then their future may be bleak and unpromising with different health scares popping up.

Start with making healthy changes with the FOUR foods listed above for a healthy start to your children’s day.

Giving them foods that are filled with fiber, have plenty of healthy protein and fat, and fruits and vegetables, and your kid’s futures will be bright and disease free.

They will thank you for it!

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