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Want To Lose Weight?  Make Sure You Consume This!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

By now, someone has probably told you about the wonderful benefits of probiotics.

Your doctor may have told you to take them to prevent a cold or even battle the flu…

Your friend may have told you to take probiotics in order to improve digestion…

Whatever the reason why you take them, you’re doing your greatly improving your health by doing so.

Beside improving digestion and boosting your immunity, there are many other reasons why you should be taking your probiotics every day.

They include:

1. Weight Loss

Many different studies show that the state of your gut health—meaning the trillions of tiny bacteria living in your intestines—may directly impact your obesity levels and may impact your weight loss.

According to one prominent researcher, changing the composition of your gut bacteria (more “good” and less “bad” bacteria) could PREVENT weight gain and accelerate fat loss in many different people.

But that’s not all!

According to another study, 20 percent of people who undergo bariatric surgery ended up with better gut bacteria.

This should show just how important your gut health is when it comes to talking about weight loss or weight gain.

2. Heart Health

As you may know, cardiovascular disease (otherwise known as heart health) is the number ONE killer of both men and women worldwide.

How does your gut health impact your heart health?  It’s pretty simple really!

Studies show that “bad” gut bacteria (the kind that makes us sick and accelerates fat gain) may also lead to atherosclerosis—or the hardening of your arteries.

On the flip side, “good” bacteria has been shown to reduce blood pressure and may also lower (and normalize) cholesterol levels.

Changing the composition of your gut health may actually lower your risk factors associated with heart disease.

3. Bone Health

One of the biggest concerns as you get older is the strength of your bones.  The more brittle and weak they are, the more likely you are to fall and suffer a significant fracture in your hips, legs, or other areas of your body.

Osteoporosis—which is the weakening of your bones—may play a large role in your life as you get older—especially if you’re a woman.

Normally you don’t associate your gut health with bone health.

But according to some clinical studies, “bad’ bacteria found in your gut may enhance or even cause bone destruction, which could induce bone loss.

However, normal gut health—or an influx of “good” bacteria—may actually promote bone development and normalize bone mass.

Stronger bones = better health!

4. Brain Health

I bet you didn’t know, but your brain health is very much influenced by your gut bacteria.

In fact, some experts consider your gut bacteria to be your “second brain.”

“Good” bacteria have been shown to produce some of the neurotransmitters that are associated with good brain health.

And “bad” bacteria have been associated with increased risk for depression, anxiety, and food cravings.

Also, “bad” bacteria may also influence how your body handles stress.

Besides the production of neurotransmitters, “good” bacteria have also been shown to possibly reduce stress in your brain and may even alleviate depression and anxiety.

s you can see, ensuring your body has plenty of “good” bacteria could directly impact your brain health.

5. Healthy Aging

As you know, you’re getting older.  And as you get older, there may be many different health issues that you may be faced with.

However, probiotics and “good” bacteria have been shown to protect—and possibly improve—the health of the aging population.

How does bacteria help?

It’s a cumulative effect!  You see, in order to protect your health as you age, you need to protect areas like your brain, heart, and bones.

And as you already have found out, “good” bacteria improve all those areas—plus others—which could help protect your health and you age.

Take Home Message

As you get older, it’s super important to maintain good health.

Poor health could lead to injuries, falls, and could even lead to an early death if you’re not careful.

Now, some ways to protect your health may be to change your diet and exercise more often.

However, one simple approach could be to include a high-quality probiotic supplement every day.

As you can see from above, probiotics (which are live, “good” bacteria) may improve your brain, heart, and bone health, as well as aid in your digestion and immunity.

Although there are many different reasons for taking a probiotic supplement, the FIVE listed above should convince you that probiotics may add nothing but benefit to your health.


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