The 5 Foods I Use To Maintain Digestion And Regularity

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer


Simply put, it’s the process of breaking down food in your mouth, stomach, and intestines, and absorbing the broken down nutrients.

But, sometimes the foods you eat can throw a monkey wrench into your digestion, making it harder for you to digest and giving you other uncomfortable side effects.

But if you are eating the right foods – often – then chances are you could improve your digestion and get rid of any unwanted side effects (gas, bloating, cramps, heartburn, etc.) associated with poor digestion.

The RIGHT Foods

Now, there are all kinds of WRONG foods you can eat.

Have you ever experienced heartburn after eating pizza?

Or, have you become bloated, gassy, or had severe cramps after drinking a glass of milk?

Have you even eaten so much fried food that your body just seems to reject it?

The fact is: There are certain foods that may disrupt normal digestive functions.  And if you suffer from some inflammatory diseases (think Crohns, IBS, lactose intolerant, and others), then certain foods may be harder to digest, therefore leading to some of the side effects from above.

Foods like dairy, alcohol, fried foods, and spicy foods all may disrupt your normal digestion, therefore leaving you in an uncomfortable position.

However, there are some foods that are great for improving digestion!

And, if you have experienced heartburn, bloating, gas, cramps, or diarrhea, then these 5 foods may be perfect for improving your digestion.

1. Probiotic-Rich Yogurts

There are millions – if not trillions – of tiny, live bacteria that inhabit your intestines.

But don’t be worried, they are good, beneficial bacteria to your health.

These bacteria help digestion and absorption of nutrients, plus they may aid your immune system in fighting off nasty bacteria and toxins that could make you sick.

Yogurt, which may contain active bacteria called probiotics, is a perfect way to build your beneficial bacterial colony and improve digestion at the same time.

Look for products that contain “live bacteria” or “active cultures” in order to replenish your normal gut bacteria and improve the overall health of your gut.

2. Lean Meats and Fish

There are certain meats that have been linked to a higher risk for colon cancer.

Although red meat – on occasion – is associated with good health, eating it excessively over the course of a week may increase your health risk.

When it comes to digestion, your body may have a harder time processing a lot of red meat due to the higher fat content (saturated fat is GOOD for your body in healthy levels), therefore adding extra stress to your intestines.

Lean meats, fish, and chicken, however, are easier to break down by your body, therefore adding less stress to your intestines.

And this could lead to better gut health and improved digestion in the long run!

3. Whole Grains

Many people have a problem with not getting enough fiber in their everyday diet.

It is recommended you get at least 20 to 25 grams per day of dietary fiber in the form of soluble and insoluble fiber, which is not only good for digestion, but may reduce your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

What is the best source?

Whole grains, such as steel-cut oats, sprouted-grain breads and pastas, and brown rice are some of the best options for increasing your fiber intake.

But be warned: if you don’t eat a lot of whole grain foods NOW, then start off slowly.

Those who start off increasing their intake of whole grains fast may experience gas, bloating, cramps, and pain due to the sudden increase in fiber.

But the key is to increase your intake nonetheless!  It may also be good for fat loss, blood sugar control, and appetite suppression, along with better digestive health.

4. Fennel

This vegetable, which has a white bulb and tall green stalks, is often used in cooking to flavor certain foods.


It’s not just used as a way to flavor food or as an addition to any meals.  This food, which is full of fiber, could eliminate constipation and get things moving smoothly in your digestive tract.

But it gets even better…

Fennel as contains an antispasmodic compound that could relax smooth muscle in your digestive system, therefore keeping bloating, gas, and cramping at bay.

5. Chia Seeds

These tiny seed hold a ton of benefits for your digestive system.

Full of fiber and protein, chia seeds may aid in the digestive process, by creating a gel-like substance in your stomach.

This could slow the rate of digestion, which could also slow the release of nutrients into your blood stream.

This could lead to better blood sugar control, amongst other things.

The fiber in chia seeds may also act in a similar way to a prebiotic—strengthening your gut bacteria and possibly growing a healthier, more robust bacterial population.

Improve Your Digestive Health TODAY

Healthy digestion is a key ingredient to every system in your body.

If you have poor digestion, you may experience heartburn, cramps, bloating, gas, and other side effects.

However, by eating the right foods, you may be able to improve your digestion, therefore avoiding some – if not all – the side effects listed above.

Including lean cuts of meat or fish, whole grain food sources, and probiotic-rich yogurt or fermented milk may lead to improvements in your digestion and your overall health






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Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Feb,01 2022Medically reviewed by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Feb,01 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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