Start Today For Just $9.95 (80% discount) And Experience RAPID Results At This Massive Discount!



Here’s the deal:  We believe in these research proven ingredients and formula so much that we are willing to give you an ENTIRE 30-day supply of Ultimate Sleep today for 80% off the normal price.  No Strings Attached- No Monthly Subscription.

Essentially, we are giving you direct access to a full 30-day supply of Ultimate Sleep RIGHT NOW so that you can prove to yourself that it works.  And if you don’t, you pay NOTHING.  Simply contact us at support (at) jaylabpro.com to ask for a refund.  


To make this a no-brainer we are also combining this with our Ultimate Sleep Guide.  If you consistently take Ultimate Sleep and follow our Registered Dieititian suggestions you will be sleeping more soundly possibly on the very first night.   


 Here’s what you will get in 1 easy-to-swallow capsule of The Ultimate Sleep Solution:

GABA—studies show that insomnia and sleep loss may be directly related to the level of GABA in your system.  GABA is also responsible for maintaining the functioning of the sleep/wake cycle.  Increasing GABA levels may lower anxiety, improve restlessness, reduce mental stress, and induce the deepest, restful sleep.  Research also shows GABA activates “sleep node” in your brain to stimulate deep, restful sleep.

L-Theanine—relaxes your mind, reduces your heart rate, and promotes relaxation.  Easing your mind may also be key to helping you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Chamomile Flower—used for centuries to help reduce anxiety, this flower may also calm nerves and acts as a mild sedative.  It’s been frequently used to reduce anxiety, hysteria, reduce the incidence of nightmares, and insomnia,

PassionFlower—studies show that decreased levels of GABA is linked to insomnia and sleep loss.  Passionflower, also called Incarnata, may increase levels of GABA in your brain, therefore lowering stress and anxiety.  Passionflower reduces the racing thoughts so you can rest, relax, and drift off to sleep.

Hops Extract—having a lower body temperature is very important to the sleep cycle.  A higher body temperature keeps you awake, makes you toss and turn, and you just can’t get comfortable.  Hops naturally lowers body temperature, which makes you drowsy and ready for sleep.  Hops also support GABA levels in your brain.

Lemon Balm—this nutrient, a part of the mint family, has been widely used since the Middle Ages. Lemon balm reduces stress and anxiety, which leads to falling asleep faster and staying asleep.  

Like I said, each one supports different parts needed for a good night’s sleep.

Click ‘The Discounted Order Button’ Below To Get Started for 80% off!

$49.95 $9.95  (Offer applies to U.S. Residents only & 1 bottle per customer)


How To Use:

Take 1 capsule with water 30 minutes prior to bedtime. 


  • Longer lasting Deep Sleep Phase.
  • Lowers cortisol levels.
  • Relaxes your mind, reduces your heart rate, and promotes relaxation
  • May increase levels of GABA in your brain, therefore lowering stress and anxiety
  • Research also shows GABA activates “sleep node” in your brain to stimulate deep, restful sleep.

Just Look At What Others Are Saying About Ultimate Sleep:



  I let Liane give it a shot… 

And after just three nights, she had (what she claimed) was the best night of sleep in her life.

That’s saying something for a busy, working mom of 2 girls who are constantly on the go.

I also did a little experiment with her and had her stop taking the Ultimate Sleep Solution formula. 

Her sleep quality score went down to a 94 from 97.  

Her deep sleep decreased by 4%...

Her Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep decreased by 6%. 

Needless to say she told me she was ending my experiment so she could go back to taking the Ultimate Sleep Solution every night. 


*Offer applies to US residents only & 1 bottle per customer