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The Greatest LIE Ever Told?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I am sorry I have to say this, but you have been misled.

You have been misled into thinking that certain dietary fats – like saturated fats – are bad for your health – especially that of your heart.

You have also been led to believe that man-made fats – once recognized as safe for human consumption – may be an ideal fat for your health.

Why has this occurred?

The Great FAT Myth

There are many different reasons why this occurred.  First, there were some studies done that show that high saturated fat diets could lead to heart disease.

And when new studies were presented that negated these findings, they may not have been reported accurately, or at all.

The other reason: big food companies like to pad their pockets over the FEAR that is caused by fat.

It may be in their BEST interest to continue advertising these myths in order to sell more products.

But the truth is: Saturated fat may be better for your health than trans-fats (one reason the FDA is trying to ban these man-made fats).

In order to get the point across, let’s take a closer look at the different types of fat.


Trans-fats are a type of man-made fat.  This means that we created this fat by injecting hydrogen ions into vegetable oil to make it solid at room temperature.

If you look on your food label, you aren’t really going to find trans-fats in the ingredients per se, but you will find hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.

You find these types of fats in pre-packaged food products (puddings, baked goods, pastries, etc.) and other food products that you may consume on a daily basis.

This could be why trans-fats may be the predominate fat in many diets.

Trans-fats have been shown to raise your risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and the development of other chronic diseases.

And this may be why the FDA is trying to ban trans-fats in favor of reducing cases of heart disease or heart attacks.

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats, for years, have been the main fat people have been told to AVOID if you want to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, or other chronic diseases.

However, are saturated fats really that bad for you?

The answer may surprise you!  Saturated fat has shown to be a healthy fat and may be one that is needed in your diet for optimal health.

Saturated fats may be used for a number of different chemical and enzymatic reactions that make your body go and function at optimal levels.

What about the link to heart disease?

Researchers in the 1970s theorized that saturated fats – mainly from animal sources - may increase the risk for heart disease by increasing plaque development and raising cholesterol.

And this myth has continued to dominate media, the food industry, and even your medical community.

Now, however, a new article recently published shows that dietary saturated fat may not be the cause of heart disease.

In fact, they stress that trans-fats found in everyday food products, may increase the risk for heart disease through inflammatory processes more so than saturated fats.

Healthy Fats

Of course, you can’t forget about the other fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

These fats have been shown to lower inflammation, reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and boost beneficial cholesterol levels.

Plus, these fats may also repair cell walls and improve reactions in your body.

These fats are commonly found in olive oil, avocados, wild-caught fatty fish, and nuts, and should comprise the majority of your diet for the potential health benefits that they carry.

Take Home Message

There are many dietary fats that are needed by your body to perform its everyday functions.

Fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, may provide tremendous health improvements, especially for heart-health.

However, saturated fats – labeled as bad in mainstream media – may also improve your health and may NOT be linked to the development of heart disease.

Trans-fats, on the other hand, may be detrimental to your health and may dramatically increase your risk for heart disease.

For optimal health, you should eliminate trans-fats from your diet (cut out pre-packaged foods and partially hydrogenated oils), and include essential healthy fats in place of those nasty trans-fats.

NEXT: The #1 Oil For Fat Loss? >>


Malhortra A.  From the Heart: Saturated fat is not the major issue.  BMJ. 2013;347.