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">The 1 Extra Special Carb That LOVES Your Heart?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES

I hate to break it to you…

CARBS aren’t bad!  I know, it’s crazy to think about since mainstream media, popular workout studios, and even some personal trainers harp that carbs are EVIL and should be avoided at all costs.

But here’s the TRUTH: Some carbs are actually good for you…

Help improve your health (like that of your heart)…

And may even help you burn fat!

But, you have been told—over and over again—that carbs are evil and they will do nothing but cause unwanted belly fat and weight gain.

Although there are many carbs that are awesome for your body, there may be ONE that doesn’t get the credit that it’s due.

That one carb?  Barley.

Barley and Your Heart Health

Now, I for one am worried about my heart health, and for good reason.

Heart disease runs rampant in my family, which means I have to be extra diligent on controlling my cholesterol and triglycerides through healthy eating and exercise.

Now, my go-to food for lowering my cholesterol is by eating oatmeal a few times per week.

And why not?  Steel-cut oats have been shown to lower total and LDL cholesterol and may add other benefits to your health like added weight loss.

However, this was before I saw an amazing study on barley!  You see, barley (a type of carb) is not widely consumed in the US.

And the health benefits of barley are not widely discussed.  But to say this grain is pretty special, well, that would be an understatement!

According to a new study (and the main reason why I have barley at least twice a week), barley may be able to lower TWO types of “bad” cholesterol!

And that means it may be just as effective—if not more so—at lowering your risk for heart disease when compared to steel-cut oats.

The study looked at the effects of barley on factors associated with heart health.  They looked at things like LDL cholesterol, apoB, and non-HDL cholesterol

For those who do not know what non-HDL cholesterol is, let me explain…

Basically, non-HDL cholesterol particles are lipoproteins that carry cholesterol and other particles, such as triglycerides.

You get your non-HDL cholesterol numbers by subtracting your HDL cholesterol from your total.

So, why is this important?  Research suggests that high non-HDL cholesterol levels may be a better predictor of heart disease, heart attack risk, and arteriosclerosis compared to other blood reading markers.

Well, according the a new research study, barley may be able to reduce both LDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol numbers!

The main reason this worked, they theorized, was due to the high levels of beta-glucan found in barley.

And, barley is lower in calories, may have double the protein, and more fiber when compared to steel-cut oats.

From their work, they concluded: “Pooled analyses show that barley β-glucan has a lowering effect on LDL-C and non-HDL-C. Inclusion of barley-containing foods may be a strategy for achieving targets in CVD risk reduction.”

Take Home Message

Even though many carbs are considered bad, there are some really great ones out there that could really improve your health.

One of those carbs, barley, may be the hidden gem among them all!

A new study shows that barley, unlike oats or other beneficial carbs, may lower TWO major risk factors associated with heart disease.

They have found that the beta-gtluan found in barley may lower both LDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol particles.

And by lowering non-HDL cholesterol levels, you may have a lower risk for heart disease or having a heart attack.

So, for your heart-health (and to some extent weight loss), consider adding barley to some of your favorite recipes or as a side dish at dinner.




Ho, HVT, Zurbau SA, Mejia SB, Jovanovski E, AuYeung F, Jenkins, AL, Vuksan V.  A systematic review and meta-anaylsis of randomized controlled trials on the effect of barley B-glucan on LDL-C, non-HDL-C and apoB for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.  EJCN.  2016 June 8.