WARNING: You May Be Going Through Menopause If…

Millions of men around the world are hiding a deep, dark secret…

It’s a secret so BIG, there’s a good chance they are embarrassed to admit it.

So they secretly rush to the doctors – talk in whispers – in order to solve the age-old issue of…

Low Testosterone and Aging

Guys, if you’re reading this article, you need to know you are NOT impervious to the aging process.

No matter who you are, aging starts to take a toll on your body.

You may have a hard time recalling where you placed your keys…that bag of pellets or lifting your groceries may be a tad bit harder…and you may have LESS of a desire to be intimate.

Now, you may think that this only impacts men in their 60s or older, however you would be WRONG.

Some men start to notice subtle declines in their early 30s or even younger (some see declines in their 20s).

So what do the experts think?

Well, they are terming this period in a man’s life “Andropause” or “male menopause”, or the slow gradual decline in testosterone levels.

Many men may look at this term and compare it to what women experience – menopause – but they should know there are very stark difference between the two conditions.

Menopause – the time in a women’s life when estrogen production ceases – comes on very fast and leaves women with cold sweats, hot flashes, and a sudden, sharp decrease in estrogen levels.

However, in “male menopause”, testosterone levels decline in a slow and gradual manner – usually a decrease in free testosterone by ONE percent per year – starting around 40 (but has also been seen in the late 20s).

And this can confuse a man…

You see, when these symptoms start to rear its ugly head, many men simply chock it up to the aging process.

They think that the excess belly fat they suddenly have…the change in mood…the inability to get and maintain an erection a few times a week…or feeling completely wiped the moment you get out of bed.

Yes, these signs could simply be you getting older…


It could be the fact that your testosterone levels – the one hormone that makes you a “man” – are dipping below normal levels.

Now, it’s important to note that not ALL MEN experience declining testosterone levels.  In fact, some men in their 80s and 90s may have testosterone levels comparable to when they were in their 20s and 30s.

However, since millions of men each year are prescribed testosterone creams, injections, or patches – it’s a pretty safe bet that your testosterone levels aren’t what they used to be.

So why is this happening?

Well, there are a number of different reasons for “male menopause” with age taking the top spot.

However, the other reasons for this decline could be associated with the following:

Stress – Stress tends to increase the amount of stress hormones that are circulating through your body.

And these stress hormones may work against your testosterone levels – therefore decreasing the levels you have in your body.

A recent study showed that men who lost at a one-on-one competition, exhibited higher cortisol and lower testosterone levels compared to those who won.

So stress plays a very large role on your testosterone!

Increased SHBG
– sex hormone binding globulin - or SHBG – is a molecule that binds to your free testosterone.  And when this happens, you have less testosterone to act on the cells in your body.

And as you get older your SHBG levels increase – leaving less FREE testosterone in your body.

This could also be a very large factor in your declining testosterone levels.

You Have Too Much Belly Fat – Belly fat is a surefire way to destroy your testosterone levels.

The main reason for this: belly fat contains an enzyme – aromatase – that may convert free testosterone into estrogen, which could impact how much testosterone your body produces.

Result = less testosterone floating around your body!  Plus, it makes it that much harder for you to LOSE the belly fat when
you want to – no matter how hard you’re working in the gym.

So what can you do about it?


If you find that you’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning…

Or that you can’t seem to lose the belly fat – no matter how hard you push yourself...

You may also find that you don’t have the stamina, the drive, or the desire to please your partner – like you did when you first met…

Then you may be suffering from LOW TESTOSTERONE LEVELS!

Now, before you rush out to get some dangerous prescription testosterone cream or lotion…

You need to see this amazing discovery that has helped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of men reclaim their sexual freedom and break free of the chains of fatigue, belly fat, and depressed thoughts and feelings…