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The BEST Method For Losing Weight Without Counting Calories (start this today)


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Do you count calories?

Are you a person that measures out their food to make sure each meal is falling in the right calorie range?

Well, if you are…


For years, experts have warned against calorie counting as a way to boost your fat loss.

And now, a new study recently published, furthers strengthens the argument that calorie counting may NOT lead to weight loss but may lead to weight gain.

Now do I have your attention?

Calorie Counting and Weight Loss

One of the most popular fat loss techniques has been counting calories for weight loss.

You need to measure out each food, calculate the calories in each meal, than keep track so you don’t go over your calories for the day.

Not only is this time consuming, but many people over (or even under) estimate the amount of calories that they are taking in.

For example, someone who uses Weight Watchers may “stockpile” their calories so they can have a piece of pizza, or a slice of chocolate cake.

This could be counteractive to weight loss, and may even lead to greater increases in weight and fat gain.


If you eat sensibly (something we have advocated for years), then you may spend less time worrying about how many calories you’re eating and focus more on losing fat.

One day you gain weight – you make adjustments for the next day.

And a new study proves that eating sensibly – and including the right mixture of foods – could go a long way to improving your fat loss results compared to calorie counting.

They found the quality of the proteins and carbs matter when it comes to weight loss.

Researchers recently found that those who ate low-quality carbohydrates and sweets were more likely to gain fat than those who ate higher quality carbohydrates and proteins.

Here are some of the highlights of the study:

- People who ate red meat and processed meats gained the most weight.

- People who ate seafood, yogurt, nuts, and chicken (without the skin) were most effective at keeping their weight down.

- One of the most positive benefits: those who ate daily including full-fat milk and cheese, showed no influence on weight at all.

However, there was one interesting component of the study:

They found that when people added protein with a higher glycemic carb (sends sugar into the blood at a faster rate), they found that the participants weight increased.

They concluded from all this: “Protein foods were commonly interchanged with carbohydrate, and changes in protein foods and GL interacted to influence long-term weight gain.”


There are thousands of people who believe that calorie counting is the best and most effective means for losing weight and fat.

However, they may be mistaken.

Calorie counting may put too much emphasis on the wrong types of foods and not enough on the right ones.

This could spike your fat gain, which would be counterintuitive to your overall body transformation.

However, if you eat the right mix of food – skinless chicken, nuts, yogurt, and seafood – in combination with healthy carbs (not refined or processed or any carbs from a box), then you may see better weight loss.

If you want to seriously change the way your body looks, then you should be sure to include the following foods:

1) Lean cuts of grass-fed red meat (sparingly)

2) Lean protein sources such as skinless chicken breasts, seafood, and nuts

3) Enjoy full-fat milk and cheese

4) Combine these protein sources with lower glycemic foods such as beans, legumes, veggies, and fruits.

Following these four steps may end up positively impacting your body by helping to boost your weight and fat loss.

Please be sure to share this important article with your family and friends on the importance of not counting calories when you're trying to lose weight.

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Smith JD, Hou T, Ludwig DS, Rimm EB, Willett W, Hu FB, Mozaffarian D.  Changes in intake of protein foods, carbohydrates amount and quality, and long-term weight change: results from 3 prospective cohorts.  Am J Clin Nutr.  2015 Jun;10(6):1216-24.