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1 Every Day Herb That Doctors Now Believe KILLS Heart Attacks?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

There is a medical marvel that may prevent the development of heart disease.

No, it is not a new medication…

Or a new breakthrough machine that detects the development of heart disease!

In fact, this new breakthrough could be found – right now – in your kitchen cabinet…

Black Garlic (Aged Garlic Extract)

One spice that has been used for centuries is garlic.

Its pungent aroma and amazing ability to turn regular foods into delicious courses - can make any cook happy to include it into their cooking.

But, garlic doesn’t just make ordinary food taste extraordinary…

It may also be used as a way to burn fat, fight off nasty toxins, and even improve heart health!

The reason: allicin and alliin – the two main components in garlic – have been shown to fight off infections and prevent the development of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and other risk factors.

They are also the components that give garlic is pungent smell and your resulting body odor.

But now, there is a new form of garlic – one that involves fermenting and aging garlic – that is taking the world by storm.

Black Garlic – which is made by normal enzymes in the garlic breaking down – may be the newest way to reverse the progression of heart disease.

However, what makes garlic so potent – the alliin and allicin – are essentially missing in black garlic.

But those two powerful components may be replaced by the high antioxidants that are found in black garlic.

In fact, some studies show that the antioxidants that are found in black garlic may be MUCH HIGHER than those found in regular garlic.

But here is where it gets good for heart health…

The antioxidants found in black garlic may lower your blood pressure…

Lower total cholesterol…

And may even prevent a heart attack from occurring!

To further strengthen the argument, black garlic may also reduce the progression of coronary artery calcification progression.

The same study also showed the extract may be able to lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, homoecysteine levels and may even give a significant boost to HDL cholesterol numbers.

And it may all be due to the tremendous antioxidant levels found in the garlic.

What’s The BEST Garlic to Use? They’re Both Good!

If you want to improve your health, there is one simple way to do it: including more garlic into your cooking.

Garlic has been used for centuries as a medicine to fight off many different health ailments.

However, a different type of garlic – black garlic or aged-garlic extract – has been shown to be effective in preventing a number of different health ailments – including preventing heart disease.

So if you’re looking for an easy way that may improve your heart health, then including aged-garlic extract or regular garlic may be a step in the right direction.

BREAKING NEWS: Researchers Discover A New Way To Improve Your Heart Health >>


Wang D, Feng Y, Liu J, Yan J, Wang M, Sasaki JC, Lu C.  Black Garlic (allium sativum) Extracts Enhance the Immune System.Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology.  2010;4(1):37-40.

Lee YM, Gweon OC, Kim KI.  Antioxidant effect of garlic and aged black garlic in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Nutr Res Pract.  2009 Summer;3(2):156-161.

Budoff MJ, Ahmadi N, Gui KM, Liu ST, Flores FR, Tiano J, Takasu J, Miller E, Tsimikas S.  Aged garlic extract supplemented with B vitamins, folic acid and L-arginine retards the progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: a randomized clinical trial.  Prev med.  2009 Aug-Sep;49(2-3):101-7.