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Incorporate These 5 Steps To Start Seeing Changes By Next Week

...the simple, often-overlooked strategy to fixing your diet and boosting your metabolism!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

I know you’re not going to like this…

But dieting just doesn’t work.  Think about it for a moment…

Any type of eating plan or “diet” restricts your calories, right?  We are in agreement with this.

That calorie restriction is supposed to help you lose weight.  But it doesn’t always do that.  Sometimes it actually INCREASES your weight and your body fat levels.

Not what you’re looking for when you’re stuffing a forkful of broccoli in your mouth.  But it’s true!

Some diets may actually increase your weight gain—leaving you upset…frustrated…and angrier than ever before.

That’s why you need to look at your relationship with FOOD and why you may need to change your approach to “fix” your broken diet.

Why Dieting Stops Working

When you ask someone about their diet, they will tell you about the specific program or eating system they are currently experimenting with (paleo, Atkins, etc.).

And most people know—and completely understand—that you’re going to be giving up your favorite foods (pizza, cake, dessert) and cutting way back on your calories until the pre-determined weight and body fat levels have been reached.

Am I right?

It doesn’t stop there either, does it?

Not only are you eating fewer calories (and skipping out on entire food groups), you’re also hitting it hard at the gym—just so you can drop a pound or two.

But does it work?

Sometimes it does—for a short period of time.  Why?  Because most people can’t stick with a low calorie diet for very long—especially when combined with intense exercise!

And that leaves you with very unhappy people because they can’t get the scale to move in the right direction—which is down.

Normally, you would think that dieting and exercising every day would lead to some great results on the scale and make you look amazing naked…

…it might not!  In fact, it may do the opposite.  It may lead to MORE body fat…MORE weight gain…and LESS muscle mass.

You need to remember this important point about exercise:


It’s a way to get your body to adapt…get stronger…and become more efficient at utilizing calories (stored and eaten).

And in order to make those adaptations happen, you need to EAT MORE FOOD.

(A much different approach that most people are fearful about!)

I know, I know…

You’re probably worried that eating MORE food will only result in MORE weight gain and possibly more body fat gain.

But here’s the deal...

If you eat the right blend of nutrients (meaning the right mix of carbs, proteins, and fats) and in the RIGHT amounts (usually MORE than you’re eating now), you may see better results within your body.

You may see:

  • More gains in lean muscle mass
  • More energy
  • A stronger immune system
  • Speedier metabolism
  • LESS body fat and weight
  • A better ability to maintain your weight loss (long-term success)


When you’re dieting, you’re restricting the nutrients your body needs to adapt and grow—so you’re literally ruining all the hard work you’ve just put in at the gym.

And that’s not all…

Even though you’re told to eat less and exercise more, it may not work for you in the long-term.

It may not only be unsustainable….it may cause shifts in your body that limits the amount of fat and weight you’re going to lose.


It slows down your metabolism, zaps your energy, and creates an environment where you don’t have the energy it takes to workout at a high intensity.

The Solution

As I mentioned before, the solution to fixing your broken diet may be to EAT. MORE. FOOD.

Sure it goes against everything you’ve been told; but the truth is, it may actually work better than restricting or cutting back on the nutrients your body needs to survive.

A recent study showed that eating MORE food—and not restricting your calories—may actually lead to more body fat loss (and weight loss) than following the current advice of calorie restricting.

The reason eating more food may work so well?

The study mentioned:

“High energy intake appeared to prevent fat gain in part because it was associated with a higher resting metabolic rate.”  

Simply stated, the more food a person eats, the more body fat they may lose due to a higher resting metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest).

Furthermore, the authors of the study said: “Counter to the energy surfeit model of obesity, results suggest that increasing energy expenditure may be more effective for reducing body fat than caloric restriction, which is currently the treatment of choice for obesity.”

The Final Word

If you’ve been dieting for years—you may have noticed that your body just doesn’t react the way it should to restricting your calories.

In fact, it may work in the opposite.  You may see:

  • Increased body fat
  • Decrease sex drive
  • Lower energy
  • Less muscle mass
  • Higher fatigue rates
  • Less stamina
  • And a whole host of other things

So you know firsthand, that dieting may not be working to elicit the response you’re currently looking for.

The main reason for this may be that your diet (and your metabolism) may be broken.  Years of calorie restriction followed by calorie surplus may have led to a slower metabolic rate.

And you already know the result…

Less weight loss and more body fat levels!  But the solution to fixing your broken diet may be very simple:

Eating more FOOD!  Studies have shown that increasing your calorie intake may actually help you lose more weight (and body fat) compared to calorie-restricting diets.

If you want to lose weight and look great naked…

…think about increasing your calories to meet your energy demands on a daily basis.  You may not only “fix” your diet, you may lose weight and body fat in the process.

Before you go…

I want you to know that dieting is hard work—but the payoff is astounding.  You will look and feel like a million bucks and you’ll finally have achieved the body of your dreams.  But don’t think for a second that it’s going to be easy: It’s going to take hard work…the right exercise and nutrition program in order to see the changes you want.

It’s not going to be easy—and there will be days where you fail or you just don’t want to go on.  It’s only natural.  


There is a much simpler solution than keeping track of your macros and calories or recording every set you do in the gym.  On the next page, I would like to show you how our simple approach could lead to tremendous results on the scale—in LESS time and without breaking the bank or driving yourself crazy.

Just CLICK ON THE NEXT BUTTON below to discover a simple approach that could fix your busted metabolism and help you lose weight and body fat in HALF THE TIME.

If you enjoyed this article—or found it interesting—then please pass it on to others who may be struggling to lose weight and keep the belly fat off.

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Hume DJ, Yokum S, Stice E.  Low energy intake plus low energy expenditure (low energy flux), not energy surfeit, predicts future body fat gain.  Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Jun; 103(6):1389-96.