The Deep, DARK Reason You Can't Get Lucky?

You walk into a crowded bar…

….looking to have a good time!  You’re looking for that one woman in the ENTIRE bar that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

But there’s a problem:

A good percentage of the women who just glanced your way, were INSTANTLY turned off.

That’s right…

They weren’t attracted to you…they wanted nothing to do with you – or what you may or may not be packing downstairs.

They don’t care if you make six, seven, or eight figures.  They are simply not into you.

Is it your fault?

It might just be…

Primal Reasons Women Don’t Like You

Women ,just like men, all have primal urges.

In men, it’s hunting, gathering, and providing what they need to for their family – or tribe.

However, women notice something different…

They notice, on that very deep, unknown primal level, if a guy can deliver what the “package” claim.

In the split second it took them to look your way – then back again – they were able to tell if you had what it takes to be a MAN.

They were able to tell how high your testosterone levels may be!

That’s right – all it takes is a split second…a conversation…or touch to determine if you’re worthy enough to take the next step.

Here’s what a women looks for in that one moment in time:

A man’s waist-to-chest ratio – if this ratio is low (meaning you have a round belly and a small chest) then there’s a good chance that you will NOT get anywhere with your potential mate.

And a woman knows this!  You see, a good waist-to-chest ratio shows a woman they you may have higher levels of testosterone.

Higher levels of testosterone may be associated with increased muscle, increased strength, increased desire and drive to succeed…and much better health.

It may also be associated (high testosterone that is) with better social rank, earning potential, and may even if they have good genes or not.

And even though you may see the opposite in the mirror each morning, there’s a good chance you’re not seeing the same thing that the woman you pass on the street…or your female co-workers…or even the girl next door sees.

This could be hampering your efforts to find your “one and only” love of your life!

Sorry, guys, it’s just a part of life!

But don’t worry…

I have a solution for you!

You see, even though a girl may be able to assess, on a very primal level, if you will make a great partner…

…there could be way out!  A way to boost your confidence...muscle…strength…and POWER without spending hours in the gym…

….or injecting or using cream to boost your T levels!

In fact, there’s a much simple r way to boost your testosterone levels – on about GTHREE seconds each day – that could boost your confidence…

….boost your self-esteem

…and boost your testosterone – and make you more appealing to the opposite sex, by triggering a woman’s most primal sexual desires…

The Discovery That Triggers A Woman’s Most Primal Sexual Desires