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Simple Trick REVERSES Thanksgiving Fat Gain?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Ceririfed Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the states.  It’s a time to give thanks for your friends, family, and the good things that have happened in your life.

However, it is also a day where you will feel FATTER than ever before!

In fact, Thanksgiving happens to be one of the worst days for your waistline.

Think about it:

You have pies…cakes….candied yams…and a plethora of dessert options that will force you to unbutton your pants in order to make room for your expanding (and very full) belly.

So what can you do to make you feel LESS fat this Thanksgiving?

Well, following the THREE tips below will help you feel less bloated – and FAT – this Thanksgiving.

Three Ways to Beat Thanksgiving Fat Gain

Truth be told: Thanksgiving is one of the days that I take to overindulge, enjoy great tasting food, and taste some of the desserts that I have been craving.

Yes, it may make me feel bloated, sleepy, and “shaky” (from the blood sugar spikes)….

But I don’t let that deter me!  I follow these THREE tips – not just at Thanksgiving, but at most holidays – in order to monitor and keep myself on track:

Tip #1: Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential to keeping you on the fat loss bandwagon. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep your belly full – leaving less room for added foods, treats, and desserts.

Plus, water is a great tool for helping you to digest food and keep you hydrated! 

Without adequate water intake, most of the day I feel dehydrated and sluggish – you may feel the same way!

But by maintaining appropriate hydration – by drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water – you may be able to beat down the Thanksgiving bloat and speed up your fat loss in the process.

Tip #2: Pack in the Protein

Protein does a number for your health – and your fat loss!

Not only does it boost your satisfaction hormone, it also – when combined with some healthy fats – stabilizes your blood sugar.

And this is important for curbing your cravings, preventing you from overindulging in dessert treats, cakes, or pies.

Think about including more eggs at breakfast, lean cuts of meat at lunch (turkey of course), and including a handful of nuts at snack time!

Tip #3: Control Your Intake of Sugary or Salty Foods

Nothing spikes your blood sugar – and gives you more intense cravings – than eating sugary foods.

Plus, the saltier the foods, the most bloating you will have!

Both of these types of foods combined could make you crave those foods even more – which may make you eat more junk and crappy foods.

This could result in fat gain!

Take Home Message

Thanksgiving – or the holiday season – is a time when people tend to overeat good food…have one too many desserts…or overindulge in a few cocktails.

And even though this may only result in a few pounds gained – these pounds tend to stick around through the New Year – or beyond!

But if you follow the three tips from above, then you may keep yourself from feeling FAT this Thanksgiving and beyond!


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