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Just 30g of THIS Each Day INCINERATES Belly Fat
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
On any given day, there are millions of people taking the right steps to losing fat.
They are changing the way they eat…
Some may be counting calories…
And some may be exercising almost every day!
But here’s the thing:
As many people that start an exercise program, there are just as many people falling off their diet and exercise program.
There are plenty of reasons why this happens. They don’t like to exercise…
Their diet or nutrition plan is too complex…
And they really HATE to make so many changes – and then not lose the weight as fast as they want.
Well, you are going to LOVE what I have to say next…
Do you want to BOOST your fat loss and lose that stubborn belly fat – by only making ONE simple change to your current diet?
Of course you would!
Simple Diet Change TORCHES Fat
For most people who choose to lose weight – preferably fat – they do a number of different things to help speed up the process.
They start a rigorous exercise program…
…and they change their diet – sometimes drastically – in order to lose weight and burn fat.
However, this approach could lead to frustration, loss of motivation, and feeling to “restricted” when it comes to enjoying your favorite foods.
Well, I have news for you…
A new study shows that changing just ONE thing could have lasting impacts on your fat loss!
You see, when it comes to fat loss…health improvements…or just having more energy and feeling better about themselves, most people adopt diets that may have many complicated steps.
These steps could include: calorie counting, caloric restriction, limiting foods, avoiding foods, cutting out your favorite foods…and many, many others!
For example, the American Heart Association diet has 13 different steps you need to follow to get overall better health benefits!
That’s right, 13 of them! No wonder why many people fall off the diet wagon in favor of saving themselves a headache.
Well, here’s the best part:
That new study I was talking about earlier – well, the results show that adding MORE fiber to your diet – up to 30 grams per day – could help you lose fat and boost your overall health.
But here’s the fine line about the study…
The subjects increased their fiber by increasing the amount of fiber-rich foods they ate!
By simply increasing their fiber intake – and not changing ANYTHING else in their diet – subjects were able to lose a good amount of weight.
And that was compared to those who were on the American Heart Association’s diet plan!
Making this one small change – increasing your fiber intake – could have lasting impacts on your fat loss.
The best way to accomplish this would be to increase your fruit and vegetable intake – which contains plenty of fiber and water – which in theory could fill you up, leaving less room for the other “bad” foods that could pack on the pounds.
The Next Steps
There are plenty of ways to lose weight. You could change the way you eat – by using some type of diet – and you can start an exercise program.
However, many people tend to “fall” off the wagon, so to speak, which could have detrimental effects on their fat loss attempts.
If you make one simple change – increase your fiber intake – you could see positive changes in the scale…
…and in your body!
The best recommendation is to increase your fiber intake (slowly at first to avoid gas and bloating) to around 30 grams per day (or more) in order to see positive changes in your weight.
Making this one change to your nutrition plan could help you lose fat and improve your overall health.
Ma Y, Olendzki BC, Wang J, Persuitte GM, Li W, Fang H, Merriam PA, Wedick NM, Ockene IS, Culver AL, Schneider KL, Olendzki GF, Carmody J, Ge T, Zhang Z, Pagoto SL. Sinlge-Component Versus Multicomponent Dietary Goals for the Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Feb 17;162(4):248-257.