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Surprising Role Of Omega-3 Fatty Acid On Carotid Artery Health

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

I bet you didn’t know that abnormal development of a fetus - called fetal growth restriction – may significantly increase your risk for having heart problems later on in life.

This abnormal development may lead to a condition- carotid intima-media thickness – which could block normal blood flow to your brain.

A test is administered that allows doctors to measure plaque that builds up between the two layers in the carotid artery – the intima and media.

Now, the thicker the plaque the thinner the carotid artery becomes, therefore creating issues with blood flow to the brain – or an increased risk for having a stroke.

Is there anything that can be done?

Well, this may help…

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness

When you develop in the womb, nutrient-rich blood is delivered to you in order to maintain healthy growth and development.

However, certain situations occur where you may experience restricted growth, therefore the baby may come out smaller and at higher risk for complications.

Any baby that is born at – or below – the 10th percentile for growth may be considered to have restricted fetal development.

And, this could put them at risk for complications as babies, or as they grow and mature into adulthood.

One issue that may arise is cardiovascular issues as an adult – with thickening or plaque development in the carotid artery being a major factor.

A new study wanted to assess and see if habitual omega-3 fatty acid ingestion would be associated with an increase in carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood.

The researchers followed 1573 adults who were categorized as having impaired fetal growth or normal fetal growth.

They assessed omega-3 fatty acids intake through food questionnaires and serum fatty acid concentration.

In 2001, they tested carotid intima-media thickness and once again in 2007.

Here’s what they found:

They showed that the six year progression of carotid intima-media thickness was inversely associated with dietary omega-3 fatty acid intake in those with impaired fetal growth.

Plus, they showed that serum omega-3 fatty acid level were also inversely associated with the six year progression of carotid intima-media thickness in those with impaired fetal growth.

They concluded:

“Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids is associated with a slower rate of increase in carotid intima-media thickness in those with impaired fetal growth.”

Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Carotid Health

As a baby, getting the right nutrients may go a long way to normal fetal development.

However, sometimes that just doesn’t happen, which increases your risk for heart issues later on in life.

One condition – carotid intima-media thickness – may be due to plaque development in the carotid artery that may restrict blood flow to the brain.

In a study, the researchers found that omega-3 fatty acids may slow the rate of carotid intima-media thickness in adults who had impaired fetal growth.

By using omega-3 fatty acids, you may see a reduced risk for complications related to carotid intima-media thickness.



Skilton MR, Mikkila V, Wurtz P, Ala-Korpela M, Sim KA, Soininen P, Kangas AJ, Viikari JSA, Juonala M, Laiteinen T, Lehtimaki T, Taittonen L, Kahonen M, Celermajer DS, Raitakari OT.  Fetal growth, omega-3 fatty acids, and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis p: preventing fetal origins of disease?  The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.  Am J Clin Nutr.  2012 Jan;97(1):58-65.