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The Tiny Friends That Protect Your Heart?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Do you have high blood pressure?

Are you worried about having a heart attack or a stroke – due to your high blood pressure?

Well, a new study recently published shows a NEW way to lower your blood pressure…

And it’s definitely not what you think!

Probiotics and Blood Pressure

As you may know, your gut is filled with trillions of tiny bacteria that keep you healthy and fit.

In fact, these tiny bacteria make up about 70 percent of your immune system – which means they ward off infectious toxins and bacteria that threaten every single cell in your body.

Not only do they prevent sickness, these bacteria may play a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and even if you lose or gain weight.

Now you may be able to add healthy blood pressure numbers to their benefits!

A recent study shows that daily use of probiotics may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers.

Here’s what they found:

The researchers reviewed a number of different articles related to blood pressure lowering methods and probiotics.

They included NINE studies that assessed 543 adults with varying degrees of blood pressure (elevated and normal blood pressure readings).

They discovered that probiotic consumption significantly impacted systolic blood pressure (the top numbers) and lowered numbers by an average of 3.56 mmHg.

Also, probiotic consumption lowered diastolic blood pressure numbers by 2.38 mmHg when compared to the control groups.

Plus, they found that multiple strains of probiotics (instead of single strains) had a more profound impact on blood pressure numbers.

They concluded: “The present meta-analysis suggests that consuming probiotics may improve BP by a modest degree, with a potentially greater effect when baseline BP is elevated, multiple species of probiotics are consumed, the duration of intervention is ≥8 weeks, or daily consumption dose is ≥1011 colony-forming units.”

The Blood Pressure Lowering Effects of Probiotics

You gut contains trillions of tiny bacteria – all designed to keep you healthy and fit.

Now you can add blood pressure lowering to the list of benefits!

According to a new study, probiotic consumption – through probiotic-rich foods and supplements – may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers.

This could lead to improvements in your heart-health and prevent some pretty serious health condition.

Now, although there are plenty of foods that could increase your probiotics, there is one way to do it that only takes seconds a day.  Would you like to know what it is?

Discover The Daily Trick To Improving Your Gut Health (takes seconds per day) >>


Khalesi S, Sun J, Buys N, Jayasinghe R.  Effect of Probiotics on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials.  HypertensionAHA.  2014. July 21.