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WARNING: CDC Says You Should NOT Eat THIS Type Of Food

…Could Contain Bacteria That Could Make You Sick Or Even WORSE!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Here we are…

Well into the holiday season, and we have yet another warning from the CDC:

“Don’t Eat Raw Cookie Dough.”

Even though we are full-blown in the holiday season, shopping, and getting ready for each person’s respective holiday…

The CDC is back at it, putting a squash on a favorite holiday tradition.


There is good reason for it.  With the downfall of Romaine lettuce in November, people are continuing to be wary of foods that could be linked with dangerous bacteria contamination.

Although there have been some very funny memes, there is one thing that is for certain:

Eating foods that may be laced with dangerous bacteria and could carry some serious health implications.

Most notably, falling sick with food poisoning—or perhaps—even dying from this bacterial contamination.

Now, the danger of eating raw cookie dough is not new…

But it is something to take into consideration, the deeper into the holiday season we get…and the more cookies and baked goods you make.

So the question remains…

Why Shouldn’t You Eat Raw Cookie Dough?

It seems like every year, around the holidays, the CDC warns us about eating raw cookie dough.

For good reason!  In 2016, at least 60 people were treated for an Ecoli outbreak that was associated with people eating uncooked dough.

As a cook myself, I know how hard it is not to taste raw cookie dough, or batter for whoopie pies, or even cakes.

But it could be the best thing for you—and your health.

So why the warning?

Well, for starters, most raw dough or batter is made with raw eggs or even egg substitute.  Eggs, which normally are not made to eat raw, may contain salmonella bacteria, therefore leading to sickness.

But it’s not just the eggs that you need to be worried about...in fact, some new warnings are attributing more of the sicknesses to consuming raw flour.

You see, flour is made from grains that come from a field.  And that field may have deer, rabbits, moose, bear…and other animals that contribute their waste to the field.

And since the grain is ground up, the flour is left untreated, so the animal waste may still be in the flour.  Since the flour doesn’t go through any heat treatment before it is bagged and sent to stores where unsuspecting shoppers, like us, buy the product, we may be at risk for contaminates that could still be lurking in the flour.

Even though all of us could be at risk for eating raw cookie dough, young children, older adults, and people with suppressed immune systems are most at risk, and the group most likely to get infected and have major complications to these types of bacteria.

To prevent this from happening, it’s recommended to wash your hands and disinfect the cooking area as best as possible.

But the best approach:

Avoid eating raw cookie dough, cake batter, or any other uncooked dessert.

The Take Home Message

The CDC has reissued a warning, one they tell us every year, do NOT, under any circumstances, eat raw cookie dough or cake batter.   The reasons for this are:

  • Consuming raw eggs may increase our risk for being infected by the bacteria salmonella.
  • Raw flour, which is ground up grains that aren’t treated by heat, may carry animal waste and increase the risk for Ecoli contamination.
  • In 2016, there were 60 cases of Ecoli that was traced to the consumption of raw flour.
  • Raw batter and cookie dough may contain other bacteria and pathogens that could make you very sick.
  • Young children, older adults, and those with a compromised immune system may be more at risk for falling ill from these bacteria.

The final message is pretty simple:

Don’t consume raw cookie dough due to the potential for pathogenic bacteria from invading your system and making you sick.

[Byproduct From Your Gut May Protect Against Salmonella Poisoning?]

Researchers from Stanford have made an amazing breakthrough…

They have discovered that propionate, a byproduct from gut metabolism may, in fact, ward off salmonella poisoning.

Only one specific type…one that carries a lot of power in your gut health, has been shown to protect your body from this dangerous type of bacteria.


If your gut is unbalanced…you may not have the power to fight these dangerous bacteria.  That’s why we suggest you use THIS

How This Could Improve The Function Of Your Gut + Get Your Gut Producing The RIGHT Chemicals To Protecting Your Health


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