The 4 Natural Ways My Clients use To Boost Their Testosterone and Return Energy to Their Lives

Guys I am going to be honest with you…

Low testosterone sucks!  Plain and simple, there could be nothing WORSE in a man’s life like having low testosterone levels.

It makes you moody…

You feel depressed…

You’re fat and flabby instead of lean and muscular…

And, probably the worst one of them all, you have a hard time getting it up in the bedroom.

All in all, this could lead to a long, unhealthy life filled with very little pleasure and a whole heck of a lot of pain.

For many men in this situation, they resort to dangerous prescription testosterone therapies in order to fix their testosterone levels and get everything back on the up and up.


There is one problem with prescription meds: Studies suggest that testosterone replacement therapy may increase your risk for an early death by a heart attack.

Not good, since you have so much life left to live!

The other problem with prescription meds is it doesn’t tackle the ROOT of the problem.  Why do you have low testosterone in the first place?

Let’s take a closer look at the process…

Free vs. Bound Testosterone

I am going to pretty blunt here: Your balls make your testosterone through a complicated conversion method that occurs inside them.

It involves cholesterol and some other enzymes that take the cholesterol and converts it into testosterone.

Now, once testosterone is made, it has three different fates in the body:

1. It is bound to SHBG or albumin and transported through the body.  And since this testosterone is BOUND, it plays
NO role in your body for producing muscle, improving mood, or boosting your energy levels.

2. It breaks down and is turned into estrogen.  There is an enzyme in your body called aromatase that breaks down your testosterone and converts it to the womanly hormone, estrogen.

Trust me on this, no man wants more ESTROGEN in their body!

3. It is released into the blood stream as a FREE form.  This FREE testosterone is able to act in your body, build muscle, improve energy, leads to stronger, harder erections, and gives you back your manliness.

Which one do YOU want?

Three.  You want more of number three!

So how can you get higher levels of FREE testosterone?  Let’s take a look…

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

Now, the goal of boosting your testosterone is not to boost all levels of testosterone.

You don’t need more of the BOUND forms, but you want more of the FREE form in order to make all the manly things happen in your body.

But you can’t accomplish this without fixing these issues in your daily life and your nutrition program.

The things that need to be fixed FIRST and FOREMORE are:

1. Getting Enough Sleep

There is no better fix to low testosterone than getting enough sleep!

Sleep works in a bunch of different ways.

Firstly, getting enough sleep lowers your sex hormone binding globulin levels.  This is important because the less SHBG you have circulating in your body the higher your FREE testosterone should be.

Secondly, getting enough sleep makes it easier to lose body fat and visceral fat.  Studies have shown that body fat may produce more aromatase, which could lead to higher estrogen levels.

This could tank any hope of skyrocketing your testosterone.

Third, getting enough sleep lowers cortisol levels.  Cortisol, a type of stress hormone, has been linked higher inflammation levels.

This could prevent cholesterol from going where it needs to go, therefore stopping the production of testosterone in its tracks.

High quality sleep, however, has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, which could lower inflammation and keep cholesterol on the testosterone-producing pathway.

As you can see, getting enough sleep is vital to keeping your testosterone levels peaked!

2. Control Stress

You know what I hate…

I hate always being in a rush.  Running from project to project, to deadlines, to getting the kids to swimming, the making sure they are behaving.

There is so much to do and so little time, people wonder all the time how you can juggle it all.


Juggling everything is stressful, which leads to an increase in cortisol.

And, as you already know, increased cortisol levels may reduce your testosterone levels!  Not good when you’re trying to pack on the muscle or please your partner in the bedroom.

Now, reducing your stress levels (though mediation, workouts, sex, naps, breathing, etc.) may also reduce your cortisol levels.

And lower cortisol should start to send your testosterone levels through the roof!

3. Eat Enough Food

There are many people who use low-calorie diets in order to lose weight—guys included!

But guess what?  Those low-calorie diets are KILLING your testosterone levels.

Testosterone production reacts favorably to higher calorie diets—so restricting your diet is one surefire way to kill your levels.

In order to REVERSE this, you need to increase your calories and prevent your body from having a stress-related reaction (commonly occurs in a lower-calorie diet).

Once again, eating enough could send your T levels up and up!

4. AVOID Refined or Processed Foods

Refined and processed foods do too many nasty things to your body.

First, it increases inflammation, which prevents your body from processing the nutrients it needs to produce testosterone.

Secondly, refined foods could lead to weight gain.  And, as you know, excess weight and body fat may increase your estrogen levels.

Both killers of your testosterone!

You should maintain a diet of healthy, unprocessed and unrefined foods, such as: whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and lean cuts of red meat, wild-caught salmon, avocado,

Eating whole foods, as close to its natural source as possible, are the best foods for your testosterone!

Give Your Testosterone a Boost

For many guys, low testosterone may be a problem.

They may be moody…depressed…flabby…and unable to perform in the bedroom.

And this may lead them to seek out a prescription for testosterone replacement—which could carry its own inherent risks.

Plus, it may not even fix the ROOT of the problem as to why you have low testosterone in the first place.

However, if you focus on getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, controlling your stress levels, and eating enough of the RIGHT foods, you could find your testosterone levels climbing, just like your energy levels.

So, if you’re looking for all-natural ways to boost your T levels, then you need to include these FOUR tips today—they are mandatory!

= = > Are Your Fat, Flabby, and Have LOW ENERGY?  Then This 3 Second Trick Is For YOU