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Improve Mood And Anxiety With Multivitamins

In the morning you likely take one.

And you make sure your spouse and your children take one too.

It is THE most widely used supplements on the market today.

And it may provide for you a day’s worth of nutrition in a few capsules.

And now, this may help increase mood, anxiety and stress.

What are they?


And if you are a guy, you may want to consider incorporating a multivitamin into your daily plan.

Give me a minute to explain…


Let’s face it, we are a society of people constantly on the go.

And when you are on the go all the time, your nutrition is usually not a TOP PRIORITY.

You stick may stick with fast food and nutrient dense snacks to tide you over throughout the day.

What is wrong with that you might be asking.


Nutrient dense foods lack in many of the essential vitamins and minerals which keep you healthy and strong.

So each day, you are missing out on vital nutrients which may help keep your immune system strong and healthy.

So you look for an alternative to supplement your diet to ensure you are getting the right nutrients your body needs to function optimally.

And you are not alone.

In fact, you might be SHOCKED to learn how many people use multivitamins as part of their day.

Fact: Over half of Americans use supplements

The most widely used supplement on the market today is the multivitamin.

39% of US adults use multivitamins.

Multivitamins are supplements which are used to provide you with essential vitamins and minerals which may increase your health and well-being.

Using a multivitamin does not substitute a poor diet but may help you supplement your diet, which may be lacking in vitamins and minerals.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber may boost certain vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals also may help in the formation of neurotransmitters which are vital for proper brain and cognitive function.
It does not just stop with young and middle aged men and women.

The elderly may be more susceptible to nutrient deficiency.

And this deficiency may lead to reduce cognitive function.

Vitamins, minerals and herbs found in multivitamins
 may help boost mood and alertness and ease stress

Multivitamins And Mood, Stress and Anxiety

Researchers wanted to see the effectiveness of multivitamins on overall health, mood and anxiety in older men.

The study involved 50 men between the ages of 50-69.

They supplemented their diet with a multivitamin for 8 weeks.

And it showed some UPLIFTING results!

The men who took the multivitamin showed an overall reduction in depression, anxiety and stress compared to the placebo group.

The researchers also noted a more positive outlook in everyday life.

Multivitamins may boost general wellbeing and
positive outlook on life

Another study demonstrated multivitamins ability may enhance cognitive function in the elderly

By use of a multivitamin did increase vitamin levels in the blood.

However, short term supplementation resulted in very little cognitive change, but did open the door for further research.

The researchers summarized that multivitamin supplementation may improve cognitive function possibly in long term usage or in people with very poor nutrition.

To Use Multi-vitamins Or Not...

Multivitamins usage has steadily grown over the years.

A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables may decrease the amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs for
optimal health.

A multivitamins may increase vitamins and minerals in your blood which may have benefits to your health.

The vitamins, minerals and herbs found in multivitamins may also improve mood and cognitive function.

And the elderly are more susceptible than others in lacking proper nutrition.

The use of a multivitamin may increase circulating vitamins and minerals in the blood.

If you have a poor diet, lacking the proper vitamins and minerals, than a multivitamin may help.

Using a multivitamin may be essential to your health because it provides nutrients which may keep you healthy and strong.

NEXT: Whole Foods Based Multivitamin For Men >>

NEXT: Whole Foods Based Multivitamin For Women >>



Cockle, SM. Haller, J. Kimber, S. Dawe, RA. The influence of multivitamins on cognitive function and mood in the elderly. Aging & Mental Health. 2000. Vol. 4(4);pp. 339-353.

Harris, E. Kirk, J. Rowsell, R. Vitetta, L. Sali, A. Scholey, A. Pipingas, A. the effect of multivitamin supplementation on mood and stress in healthy older men. Human Psychopharmaclogy: Clinical and Experimental. doi: 10.1002/hup.1245