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Low Vitamin D levels may be linked to an increased risk for different cancers, including bladder cancer.
But that’s not all!
Lower vitamin D levels may also cause someone to become overweight, obese, or develop type 2 Diabetes.
Now, before you start thinking that low Vitamin D levels may not affect you, think again!
Surprising statistics show that MANY people are lacking in Vitamin D, including adults, the elderly, and children.
As stated before, low Vitamin D levels may lead to an increased risk for developing certain types of cancers.
And according to a new study, it may lead to an increased risk for developing urothelial bladder cancer (UBC).
Low Vitamin D, FGFR3 Gene, and Cancer
High levels of vitamin D have been shown to protect against cancer.
But, like this study shows, LOW levels of vitamin D may be hazardous to your health.
You see, you have a specialized gene in your body called FGFR3.
And when this gene is normal, it may help with maintenance of your bones and bone development.
However, when this gene becomes mutated, this gene may cause diseases such as dwarfism, seborrheic keratosis, and bladder cancer.
So what did the study find?
The researchers assessed 1125 cases of bladder cancer and compared those cases to 1028 control subjects.
They looked at Vitamin D status, stage of tumor, and overall risk for developing bladder cancer.
Here is where it gets INTERESTING!
They found, that people with lower levels of Vitamin D were MORE likely to develop bladder cancer.
Plus, it was in a dose-dependent manner, meaning the higher the dose, the less likely they were to develop cancer, and vice versa.
And they found the association was STRONGER when the person experienced a muscle invasive tumor!
When it came to the FGFR3 gene, they showed that higher levels of Vitamin D may lead to an overexpression of this gene IN THE TUMOR, which could produce a better outcome.
They concluded this:
“These finding support a role of Vitamin D in the development of bladder cancer and that low Vitamin D may be associated with a increased risk for more invasive tumor growth.”
Take Home Message
If you are one of the many individuals with low Vitamin D, you may be posing a serious risk to your health.
Lower vitamin D levels have been associated with being overweight…
Linked to obesity…
Linked to Type 2 Diabetes…
And now, may lead to a high risk for developing bladder cancer.
In order to reduce your risk for the above, you should increase your vitamin D levels, by increasing your exposure to the sun (natural Vitamin D), taking a multi-vitamin, or vitamin D supplementation.
This could reduce your risk for different chronic diseases, and may even reduce your risk for developing bladder cancer or invasive bladder cancer.
Is This An Easier Way To Get Vitamin D >>