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Although there are many different factors that may contribute to poor health, there is ONE that may top the list.
And that is trans-fats.
In fact, the FDA in 2006 made food companies add to their label trans-fats and label foods appropriately.
Although there are two different kinds of trans-fats (natural and chemical), it is the process of injecting hydrogen ions into oil that seems to be posing risk to your health.
They have been linked to lower HDL cholesterol…
Increased LDL cholesterol…
Increased inflammation…
And an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
But more importantly, they may pose a higher premature death risk for heart disease than any other product on the market.
Trans-Fats and You
Trans-fats are more common than you may think.
In fact, traces of trans-fats are found in red meat and dairy products – but are minimal when compared to the other fats, vitamins, and minerals that are contained in those products.
The ones that are really killing us are the trans-fats found in sweets, cookies, pies, donuts, and any pre-packaged dessert treat that you can think of.
These are the types of trans-fat that has been linked to poor health, alterations in cholesterol levels, and an increased risk for chronic diseases, even death.
Now, a group of researchers have determined that including trans-fats into your diet may lead to premature death – from all-causes – and not just from the diseases previously mentioned.
So here’s what they did:
They analyzed data from the Reasons for Geographical and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS study) and adjusted trans-fat data into different categories.
They found, during 7 of follow-up, that over 1,500 out of 18,513 people died during the study.
When they looked at the data further, they found that people who consumed the MOST trans-fats, showed a greater risk for death when compared to the lowest intake.
Even after they adjusted for demographical factors, they still found that higher trans-fat intake was associated with a greater risk for death from all-causes.
From their results, they concluded:
“Higher trans-fat intake is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality.”
Trans-Fat and Your Health
Trans-fats have been a crux to health for a number of years.
It could be so bad for you that, as of 2006, the FDA requires stringent labeling of food products that contain trans-fats.
Although there are two different types (natural and chemical), it is the chemical development of injecting hydrogen into oil that leads to the most severe health consequences.
Trans-fats have been linked to alterations in blood lipids levels, risk for chronic diseases, and even death from cardiovascular disease.
The results of this study show, the higher your intake of trans-fats, the higher your risk of death from all-causes becomes.
Limiting your intake of chemically-made trans-fats may be the best way to improve your health, your heart health, and decrease your risk for dying an early death.
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