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There are many surprises when it comes to the foods that will help you burn fat.
Foods that you normally wouldn’t think of as fat-burning foods - truly are!
For example, hot peppers. Now, many people use hot peppers to spice up foods or even as a crème to soothe sore joints.
But what they may not know is that hot peppers contain a potent compound that may help you burn A LOT of fat, just by sitting there.
Now, we have done a number of different articles in the past on the RIGHT foods you should be eating to boost fat loss.
And, as much as a review as this article may be, it is vitally important that you grab a pen and some paper and prepare to jot down foods that you should include in your weekly shopping list.
3 Vital Foods for Belly Fat Loss
Today, I am going to simplify things a little bit for you.
In order for you to burn fat, you need to eat foods from EVERY food group to gain their fat-fighting benefits.
For example, many people avoid carbs because they are afraid that they will gain weight – mostly in the form of fat weight.
But what they may be missing is the soluble and insoluble fiber that some carbs contain that may boost your overall weight loss AND
improve your heart health.
So you see, avoiding certain foods may not be in your best interest.
So what the 3 BEST ones?
I’m so glad you asked:
1. Avocado
This fruit has been on the list before – and it deserves your attention again!
Full of quickly-broken down monounsaturated fats, this food may not only suppress your appetite, but may help you burn fat in the long run!
The fat found in avocados has been linked to the release of a hormone that boosts meal satisfaction, due to a boost in satiety hormones in your brain.
It’s such a powerful fat-fighter that people who consume avocados lost just as much weight as people on a calorie-restricted diet!
Such an amazing and powerful fruit!
2. Olive Oil
Olive oil may contain a lot of calories, but it makes up for it – the oil is full of polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants.
And both of those ingredients reduce inflammation, which could positively affect your fat levels.
When your fat cells are inflamed, they may be rendered unable to release fatty acids for energy use.
But enter in antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats, and you have two of the most potent inflammation fighters around!
This may boost fatty acid release therefore you may have more fat available to be used for burning.
Translation: increased fat loss!
3. Lean Ground Beef
If you’re going to lose weight – mostly fat – then you need more metabolism-boosting lean muscle mass!
And there is no better way to get more than by including lean ground beef into your nutrition plan!
Protein – which contains essential amino acids – is a necessary nutrient if you want to build lean mass.
And ground beef is filled with it!
In fact, a study showed that women, who consumed red meat SIX times per week, lost 25 percent more fat than those who didn’t eat red meat.
There you go, go ahead and satisfy your inner carnivore.
Three Essential Foods for Belly Fat Loss
Losing weight doesn’t have to be that hard.
Eating the right foods – in the right combinations – and exercising could help you burn more calories and more importantly BURN MORE FAT!
So I hope you took notes, learned a little about the RIGHT foods for fat loss, and now, are planning on implementing these THREE foods into your fat loss plan!
NEXT: The #1 Food For Better Health And Fat Loss Is? >>