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Why You Should Forget About Just Simply Losing Weight
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES
Sorry to say this…
But you need to stop worrying so much about how you look in 2016.
Yeah I know…
Everyone wants to look fit and fabulous—like every single person that graces the red carpet—but there are more important factors at hand that sum up why you need to lose weight in 2016.
And no, it has nothing to do with looking better naked…
It has nothing to do with losing that excess 10 to 15 pounds you’ve been carrying around for the last 10 years.
It has everything to do with you and certain aspects of your health.
So, when you take away the need to look fabulous and start really delving into the TRUE benefits of weight loss, you will be amazed at what you may be able to accomplish this year:
Face it, there are many different chronic diseases out there that are directly associated with how much you weigh.
For example, diabetes is exploding, with more and more people being diagnosed each day.
And that doesn’t even include the vast numbers of people that already have the disease—but don’t even know about it.
Diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, are exploding to epic proportions.
But luckily, losing weight could reduce your risk for many of them!
So, for 2016, think about losing weight to PREVENT diseases from wreaking havoc on your health and quite possibly killing you before you’re ready.
2. Your SCREAMING Joints
Do you have a hard time getting going on the morning due to back, knee, or hip pain?
Does it HURT to move sometimes?
Well, there’s a good chance that your weight is causing some, if not ALL, or your pain.
You don’t really need studies to show you that carrying around FIVE extra pounds could be causing your back to hurt.
But there are studies that show that more weight you carry, the more stress and torque could be placed on your joints.
And this pressure and torque could be contributing to your achy knees, tight lower back, or even that sharp, shooting pain inside your knee.
But losing weight could do a whole heck of a lot for your joints and your body! The more weight you lose, the lower the stress and torque on your joints may be.
Imagine getting up with NO ACHES and PAINS? It could be a reality by simply exercising, eating right, and losing some of those extra LBS. that you have.
3. Sleep BETTER
Sleep could be one of the most underrated effects of gaining weight—and weight loss.
Weight gain has been shown to disrupt normal sleeping patterns, which could have a negative effect on your health.
Plus, heavier people may have a higher risk for developing sleep apnea, which could lead to other health issues along the way.
Losing weight, however, has been shown to IMPROVE sleep duration and quality, leading to a more restful night’s sleep.
And a good night sleep could do wonders for your overall health, longevity, and prevention of those common diseases listed above.
Take Home Message
This time of year, most people join gyms, pick up a copy of the latest fad diet, or buy miracle elixirs to try to lose weight so they can look good naked.
Which needs to stop! Instead of focusing on losing weight to look like your favorite Hollywood star…
…you should focus on the less obvious reasons for losing weight: preventing diseases, better joint health, and improved sleep!
These three factors should be in the forefront of your mind when you’re trying to lose the excess weight you gain last year!