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…This popular adult beverage could keep you healthy and increase your longevity!
By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer
Unless you’ve been avoiding TV, magazines, and the internet the last few years, then you probably know all about the health benefits associated with having a glass or two of red wine a day.
But the benefits you’ve probably heard about are all the generic benefits.
You know, the whole thing about resveratrol (a powerful antioxidant found in the skin of grapes) and the other antioxidants and how they can prolong your life and protect your heart.
What you may have missed in all the hype is how powerful this drink is in your GUT—that’s right, in your gut!
(Yes, red wine has been linked to fat loss, but that’s not what we are looking to cover in today’s article.)
A relatively new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that having one to two glasses of dry red wine could positively impact the health of your gut.
As a review, your gut is home to many different biological functions. But it is also home to TRILLIONS of live bacteria that are designed to protect your health and keep you alive.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Get the power of red wine WITHOUT drinking it. CLICK HERE to find out how.
The study showed that drinking one to two glasses of wine each day could cause HIGHER levels of beneficial bacteria and LOWER levels of pathogenic (bad) bacteria in their gut!
Yes, this is a BIG deal since higher levels of pathogenic bacteria have been linked to all sorts of nasty diseases, sicknesses, and overall health issues.
In fact, having the right balance (and it’s a pretty delicate balance) of good to bad bacteria may influence everything from digestion and immunity to skin and brain health.
It even influences your metabolism (your ability to burn fat greatly decreases with more pathogenic bacteria).
But here’s some even better news:
The study concluded that red wine not only increased the levels of beneficial bacteria (and decreased pathogenic levels), it acted as a sort of prebiotic (or a type of food) for the bacteria which could help the colonies flourish and grow.
And this could only lead you to better overall health!
But the POWERFUL benefits of red wine don’t just stop there…
As I mentioned before, the antioxidants found in red wine have been linked to all sorts of positive health benefits. And this study went even further on the potential benefits.
The study also showed some major improvements when it comes to your heart health—which is extremely exciting.
The study showed that red wine drinkers had lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and CRP (c-reactive protein) numbers.
(CRP is a diagnostic tool doctors use to determine how much overall inflammation is found inside YOUR body. Inflammation has been linked to the start of many disease processes and may be one of the biggest contributing factors to heart attacks.)
Now, I am sure you’ve heard that other adult beverages could also benefit your health—and it might be true.
However, this study showed that only red wine led to the major health benefits to your gut and heart health.
In fact, the study included a group who were given gin instead of red wine. And sad to say, but not one of the benefits lists above (improved gut health, lower blood pressure, etc.) were seen in the gin group.
Why would that be?
Well, the major difference between gin and red wine is the high antioxidant and polyphenol profile found in red wine (when compared to gin).
This also shows that the major benefits that were seen were not due to the alcohol content itself, but more to the powerful nutrients found in red wine.
So what wines are considered DRY red wines? Merlot, Cabernet, Pinot Noir, and Shiraz are the top picks to include if you want to fortify your gut while protecting your heart.
(NOTE: White wine may also have tremendous benefits to your health. However, the benefits may pale in comparison to those found from drinking red wine.)
Another Benefit of Red Wine…
I could write all day about the benefits of red wine, but I won’t. But I do want to share that red wine may actually help you lose weight! I know it’s quite amazing really.
You see, red wine may be able to slow the rate of digestion of food products. How can this help you lose weight?
Simple: The slower the rate of digestion, the slower the release of sugar into your blood. And the lower your blood sugar, the lower your insulin levels should be.
Besides keeping your blood sugar numbers down, this could help balance out your hormones and get all of your fat burning hormones working at optimal levels.
The result = smaller waistline, faster metabolism, and a much leaner and healthier body.
But Beware…
Even though red wine may be a healthy drink that could strip away years of body fat, keep you strong and healthy, and even could improve your digestion…
On the next page, I would like to share with you a fat-burning type drink that could strip layer after layer of stubborn belly fat from your body. The simple fact is, if you drink this first thing in the morning, you may find yourself lighter and thinner and in charge of a much more defined and muscular body.
Just click the next page link below and you’ll discover the simple way to accelerate your metabolism, shrink your waistline, and pack pound after pound of lean muscle mass onto your body.
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Queipo-Ortuuno MI, Boto-Ordunez M, Murri M, Gomez-Zumaquero J, Clemente-Postigo M, Estruch R, Diaz FC, Andres-Lacueva C, Tinahones FJ. Influence of red wine polyphenols and ethanol on the gut microbiota ecology and biochemical markers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Jun;95(6):1323-1334.