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…the #1 reason why you need more fat in your diet and how to go about getting it!
So…you’ve cut ALL the fat from your diet because you’re super nervous that fatty foods will not only make you FAT, but eventually will KILL you.
And no matter what ANYONE say…research…science…your own doctor…you’re going to keep skipping out on fatty foods and opt for the LOW-FAT variety.
I get it. I would be nervous too, especially since everything you’ve been spoon-fed your entire life showed that FAT was bad and LOW-FAT was good.
In today’s Nutrition Quickie, I am going to give you the simple reasons why fatty foods aren’t that bad for you and how you can start incorporating fatty foods into your diet using some pretty simple baby steps:
The Top 10 Fatty Foods For a Flatter Stomach and Smaller Waistline
If There is 1 Fat You Need To Eat, It Would Be THIS One >>