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Every day, you probably don’t wake up thinking, “today is a good day to get sick.”
However, it happens.
Constantly your body is bombarded with toxins, germs, and bacteria that may make you sick with a simple cold, to the flu, and possibly to something worse.
So what do you do?
You take your multi-vitamins…
Drink your fortified drinks…
Maybe even resort to old remedies that have been passed down from others generations!
So, if you don’t wake up in the morning thinking it’s a good day to get sick AND you do everything you can to prevent getting sick, wouldn’t you take the same care when it comes to your risk for chronic diseases?
Of course you would!
However, there is a good majority of people who don’t.
And this may lead to future health scares for them or even for their families.
Mercury and Diabetes
Now, many people know and understand what Diabetes is.
Diabetes –which ranks in the top FIVE for top diseases – affects many people in the US and around the world.
Poor diet, lack of exercise, and poor blood sugar control may contribute to your risk for developing diabetes.
However, now you can add another risk – and it’s one that you would NEVER think of!
Mercury – a trace element that has been linked to many harmful health conditions – including cancer – has also been linked to the dysfunction of the cells responsible for insulin production in your pancreas.
And if those specialized cells become destroyed, then chances are, you may be diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes or Diabetes at some point in your life.
Where do you get the most mercury?
Fish and shellfish from your diet!
Now, fish in general are packed full of nutrition. They contain the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, plus magnesium, lean proteins, and other nutrients that are needed to maintain a healthy diet.
And, in some cases, the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids found in the fish combat the harmful effects of mercury.
However, one reason why the FDA has advised that you eat certain fish and shellfish – like Krill, salmon, shrimp, and catfish – and avoid fish higher in mercury such as swordfish and shark, is mainly due to the harmful effects that having too much mercury can cause.
And now, current research shows, higher mercury levels in early adulthood, could lead to the development of Diabetes later on in life.
And the scariest part: people who live a healthy lifestyle – meaning they exercise, eat right, and eat plenty of fish – may be at a higher risk for developing diabetes, due to the type of fish they are consuming.
Here is what the research has found:
Researchers analyzed the toenails of 3,875 people over the course of 18 years.
After making adjustments for many different lifestyle factors, they showed that toenail mercury levels, were positively associated with diabetes development.
They also showed that higher mercury levels were associated with a higher risk for diabetes when compared with the lowest mercury levels.
Plus, they showed, higher mercury levels were significantly associated with a decrease in the function of the beta-cells of the pancreas.
They concluded:
“Our results are consistent with findings from laboratory studies and provide longitudinal human data, suggesting people with high mercury exposure in young adulthood may have elevated risk of diabetes later in life.”
Avoid Mercury for Better Health
There are many steps you need to take to improve your health.
You need to exercise, eat right, include the right vitamins and minerals, and take the right omega-3 fatty acid supplements in order to support better overall health.
In regards to omega-3 fatty acids, most people consume fatty fish – or take a fish oil supplement - in order to meet their daily or even weekly ration of omega-3 fatty acids.
However, what they may be doing is increasing their intake of mercury, and could be putting themselves at risk for developing diabetes or having dysfunction in the beta cells in their pancreas.
Some fish oil has been shown to contain trace amounts of mercury, which could increase the exposure to mercury and its associated damage.
And this could potentially lead to adverse health conditions later on in life.
Plus, according to the results of this study, eating foods higher in mercury may result in an increased risk for developing diabetes. What options do you have then?
Well, krill meat and krill oil may be valuable options for not only increasing your omega-3 fatty acids intake, but also providing a food or oil source that is free of mercury and other harmful toxins.
Krill, which is both at the bottom of the food chain and are bottom feeding animals, rarely survive long enough to accumulate toxins and mercury in their flesh.
This may make it a better, safer, and for viable option for improving overall health and reducing your mercury related diabetes risk.
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