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Do you want to live a long, fulfilling, life?
Are you exercising, eating right, and taking your multivitamins in order to prolong your longevity?
If you’re looking to prevent premature death, then there is ONE thing you need to be taking…
And this one NUTRIENT – although it is more commonly taken today – may prevent premature death, mostly to cardiovascular disease.
You may be asking, “What is it?”
The answer is…
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Longer Life
Studies suggest that the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, and DPA are effective for lowering your risk factors associated with heart disease.
Some of those risk factors include:
• Lower LDL cholesterol levels
• Lower serum triglyceride levels
• Increased serum HDL (good) cholesterol levels
• Provides benefits to the vascular system
• Reduces the process of fat production and triglyceride levels in your liver
All of these factors may play a large role in reducing your risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and adverse problems with your vascular system.
Now, a new study shows that omega-3 fatty acids may be responsible for increasing your longevity, and lowering your risk associated with all-cause mortality.
The authors performed a meta-analysis looking at omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and risk for death from all causes and cardiovascular death.
Here’s what they found:
There were 1,625 deaths (including 570 cardiovascular deaths), 359 fatal and 371 nonfatal CHD events, and 130 fatal and 276 nonfatal strokes that occurred during the study..
They determined, after adjustments, that people with higher omega-3 fatty acids had lower risk for mortality compared to the lowest intake.
They also noted that the lower risk was mainly attributed to fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease than non-cardiovascular disease events.
They concluded:
“Higher circulating individual and total w-3 PUFA levels are associated with lower mortality, especially in CHD death, in older adults.”
More Omega-3 Fatty Acids
If you want to improve your overall health, then you should be including the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, EPA, and DPA, into your daily nutrition plan, either by increasing your intake of fatty fish or through supplementation.
Not only may this improve your overall health, but it may be associated with a lower risk for death from all causes, but most notably, from cardiovascular disease.
This may improve many areas of health, but more importantly, heart health.
Is This 47 X More Powerful Than Regular Fish Oil?